Call for IHSS membership - The Egyptian Chapter

The International Humic Substances Society (IHSS) is very active scientific society in the field of natural organic matter research. IHSS was founded in Denver, Colorado, USA, on September 11, 1981 to bring together scientists in the coal, soil, and water sciences with interests in humic substances. IHSS has a membership of nearly 900 scientists. The Society is recognized as a world leader in fostering scientific education and research, and promoting public understanding of humic substances. The IHSS organizes a biannual International meetings and the national chapters organizes an annual meeting for scientists to share their advances in natural organic matter research. Detailed information about IHSS are available on (


Among many chapters of IHSS worldwide Egypt still does not have a chapter. During the IHSS 16th meeting last September in Hangzhou, China I was the only Egyptian and Arabic among hundreds of scientist from Australia, China, Japan, Russia, Americas and EU. Together with an African lady we were the only two persons from Africa. Membership of IHSS has too many benefits, Just as an example:

- IHSS is funding short-term research project for young scientists and researchers
- IHSS provide a training scholarship for up to 6 months for PhD students allowing them to travel to different labs to advance their studies
- IHSS provide up to 30 scholarship for PhD students and young researchers to attend the biannual meeting
- IHSS sells Standard humic and fulvic acid at good price for members for investigation
- IHSS launches a research group to study the effect of commercial product of humic substances on soil and plant and is ready to get involved in research projects to verify the effect of these commercial products under different conditions.

I thought too many scientist, researchers, PhD student and soil science student, members of the ESSS, might be interested to become a member of IHSS. The membership fee for regular member is US$ 12.5 and is less for retired scientist and students. Please find attached the membership application, if any of the respectable members are interested they are kindly asked to fill it in and email it to


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