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Sami, H. G., ""Bridging the Cultural Gap: The Translation of Simone de Beauvoir Into Arabic." ", The Routledge Handbook of Translation, Feminism and Gender., Oxford and New York, Routledge, 2020.
Sami, H. G., ""Myths of the Veiled Kingdom: Representation and Counter-Representation of the Middle East in Selected Contemporary Bestsellers"", Journal of the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, vol. 29, issue No. 6 - Part 3 , pp. 53-77, 2019.
Sami, H. G., ""A Strategic Use of Culture: Egyptian Women's Subversion and Resignification of Gender Norms." ", Rethinking Gender in Revolutions and Resistance: Lessons from the Arab World. Ed. Maha El Said, Lena Meari and Nicola Pratt. , London, Zed Books, 2015.
Sami, H. G., "Translation: Bahaa Taher, “Sukkaān al-qasr” (“Residents of the Palace”)."", Fikr wa ibda’. , vol. 65, pp. 1 - 34, 2012.
Sami, H. G., "“`In the beginning, there was chaos’: Memory of a Reversed Genesis in Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake.”", Cairo Studies in English: Essays in Honour of Malak Hashem, issue Special Issue, pp. 103 - 118, 2012.
Sami, H. G., "Book Review: “Towards a Critical Assessment of the Current Arab Discourse.” Rev. of Fi naqd al-khitaab al-arabi al-rahin, by Samir Amin.", Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, vol. 13, issue 1, pp. 162-165, 2011.
Sami, H. G., "“Between the Turban and the Hat: Border Crossing and the Subversion of Identity in Sun’allah Ibrahim’s Al-`imama wa-l-qubba’a.”", Egypt at the Crossroads: Literary and Linguistic Studies, Cairo, Egypt, The Department of English Language and Literature, Cairo University, pp. 397 - 418, 2009.
Sami, H. G., "“The Rules of the Power Game: A Reading of Fatima Mernissi’s Harem.”", Power and the Role of the Intellectual, Cairo, Egypt, The Department of English Language and Literature, Cairo University, pp. 335 - 348, 2006.
Sami, H. G., "“Tradition and the Fate of Women in Ben Jelloun and Walker.” ", History in Literature, Cairo, Egypt, The Department of English Language and Literature, Cairo University, pp. 173 - 182, 1995.