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Dr. El-Nagar obtained his B.Sc. degree in 2010 from the Faculty of Science of Cairo University (Chemistry major). Since then, he is a Faculty Member of the Chemistry Department at Cairo University. He received his master and doctoral degrees in physical Chemistry (Surface and Material Science) in the field of Nanostrures Engeenering with unique Morphology for Energy Storage and Conversion applicatiosn inculding Fuel cells, Water Spiltting and Batteries from Cairo University, respectively in 2012 and 2015. In 2016, he awarded the most prestigous postdoc germany fellowship fromAlexander von humboldt Foundation and he joined Free berlin University two years where he developed a novel solutions to improve the fuel cells perfromnce along with reducing thier cost without sacrficing their perfromance. In 2018, Dr ElNagar, Awarded Dalem Researsch fellowship for two years, where he working in Fabrication of nanostrutured materials with a unique features and shapes using various synthesis methods for CO2 Electroreduction into a green Fuels. His research focuses on nanomaterials (taoiloring, characterization, and calculations) for potential applications in enery stoarge and conversion applications, in general. Wastewater treatment and Environmental research is also a focus for his  research group. He has so far co-authored over 39 peer reviewed journal publications and participated in 26 international conferences. 
