
Mahmoud Gilany received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Elect. Power Eng. from Cairo University (CU) in 1987 and 1989 respectively.

He got the Ph.D. degree in EE from the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, in 1993. Since 1993, he has been a faculty member in the Faculty of Engineering, CU.

He also worked as a Visiting Prof. at American University in Cairo during 1995–2003 and from 2013 till now. He Joined the College of Technological Studies, Kuwait for 10 years (2003-2013).

Prof. Gilany worked as a consultant for many Firms and organizations in Egypt including Cairo University,  US Corp of Engineers, Ministry of Electricity , Exxon-Mobil, Khalda Petroleum Co, Textile and cement Companies. Prof. Gilany has published more than 80 reviewed papers.

He reviewed more than 40 IEEE papers and supervised more than 15 PhD and 29 M Sc students. Prof. Gilany is the Author of   Five famous electrical Arabic books (with more than 200,000 downloads on internet).

His research interests include power system protection, power quality and computer relaying. 
