Aerobic Exercises

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Refaye, G. E. E., "The effect of 12 weeks of resistive exercises versus aerobic exercises in overweight hypertensive postmenopausal women", bulletin of faculty of physical therapy- Cairo University, vol. 24, issue 1, pp. 40-48, 2019.
Refaye, G. E. E., A. F. Elbegawy, and H. M. Aly, "Effect of Aerobic Exercises on Insulin Resistance in Obese Pregnant Women", British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research, vol. 5, issue 1, pp. 107-115, 2015. ali512014bjmmr12537_11.pdf
Refaye, G. E. E., and H. omar Ghareeb, "EFFECT OF AEROBIC COMBINED WITH PELVIC ROCKING EXERCISES ON QUALITY OF LIFE IN PRIMARY DYSMENORRHEA", bulletin of faculty of physical therapy- Cairo University, vol. 19, issue 2, pp. 186-220, 2014. 5-ghada_elrefaye.doc