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Moursy, F., K. Ramdan, A. Sharaky, M. Bahgat, and Y. Khairy, "The optimum location of water intakes in Nile river Basin", Water and Energy International, vol. 64, no. 1: Central Board of Irrigation and Power, pp. 24–28, 2021. Abstract
Mabrouk, E. E., P. D. F. Morsy, D. M. Mohamed, and D. M. Omar, "Impact of Meteorological Drought in Upper Blue Nile Basin on the Hydrological Drought of Nile River in Egypt", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), vol. Volume-9 , issue Issue-6, pp. 50-55, Submitted.
Mabrouk, E. H., F. I. Moursy, M. A. Mohamed, and M. E. D. M. Omar, "Impact of Meteorological Drought in Upper Blue Nile Basin on the Hydrological Drought of Nile River in Egypt", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) , vol. 9 I, issue 6, pp. 50-55, 2020. Impact of Meteorological.pdf
Moursy, F. I., and E. H.Mabrouk, "Estimate of correlation between the metrological drought on Ethiopia the Hydrological drought on Egypt", future of food journal on food Agriculture& society, vol. 8, issue ISSN-Internet 2197-411x OLCL 862804632, pp. 21-32, Submitted.
Mabrouk, E. H., F. I. Moursy, M. A. E. - H. Mohamed, and M. E. D. M. Omer, "Estimate of correlation between the meteorological drought in Ethiopia and the hydrological drought in Egypt", Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society , vol. 8, issue 2, 2020. Estimate of correlation.pdf
ABOUZEED, M. O. H. A. M. E. D. L. O. T. F. Y. K., F. I. Moursy, M. A. Mohamed, and A. S. Hamouda, "ENVIRONMENTAL AND COMMUNITY COSTS OF COAL FIRING IN CEMENT INDUSTRY", Pollution Research, vol. 40, issue 4, pp. 1105-1117, 2021.
El-Mahdy, M. E. - S., A. Saber, F. E. Moursy, A. Sharaky, and N. Saleh, Coastal erosion risk assessment and applied mitigation measures at Ezbet Elborg village, Egyptian delta, , vol. 13, issue 3: Elsevier, pp. 101621, 2022. Abstract
Mabrouk, E. H., F. I. Moursy, and M. Morsy, Assessment of climate characteristics and long-term trends of rainfall and drought in the Congo River Basin, , vol. 13, issue 11, pp. 3906 - 3933, 2022/10/10. AbstractWebsite

This study aims to assess patterns, variability, and trends of rainfall and meteorological drought and identify the different climatic zones using 42-year monthly TerraClimate gridded precipitation data at 23 sites distributed to cover the entire Congo River Basin. The spatial distribution of seasonal rainfall and the Köppen climate classifications indicated that the Congo River Basin has three main climatic zones. Where the highest rainfall is received in zone A (north of 2.5°N) during June–August (JJA), in zone B (3.5°S–2.5°N) during March–May (MAM) and September–November (SON), and in zone C (south of 3.5°S) during December–February (DJF). The Mann–Kendall (M–K) trend analysis of seasonal and annual patterns of rainfall and standardized precipitation drought index (SPI) revealed that there were significant negative trends in most of the three climatic Congo zones except for slight positive trends in small parts within zone C, especially during JJA, which are found sometimes in zone B. Finally, the three Congo climatic zones are characterized by negative trends for seasonal and annual data of both rainfall and the SPI, indicating increased drought risks in the Congo Basin except for small parts in zone C which have positive (wet) trends, especially during JJA followed by DJF.

AA, M. O. U. S. A., M. O. U. R. S. Y. FI, W. A. H. A. B. RA, and A. B. D. E. L. - M. O. T. E. Y. GG4, "ANALYSIS AND PREDICTION OF THERMAL COMFORT USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK IN BAHARIA QASES", International JOURNAL Of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences, vol. 9, issue 11, 2020.