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El-Dien, FAN(El-Dien, N.)F. A., H. Saad, N. E. A.) El-Gamel, NEA(El-Gamel, and A. A.)S. Dena, ASA(Dena, "Azo-functionalized superparamagnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles: an efficient adsorbent for the removal of bromocresol green from contaminated water", RSC Advances , vol. 12 , issue 39, pp. 25487-25499, 2022.
El-Dien, N. F. A., E. Attalah, Y. S. Nasr, and H. A. El-Gammal, "Optimisation and validation of a new analytical method for the determination of four natural and synthetic hormones using LC-ESI-MS/MS", Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, vol. 33, issue 10, pp. 1545-1556, 2016. faten_a_nour_eldien.pdf
El-Dien, F. N. A., G. G. Mohamed, E. Y. Z. Frag, and M. Saad, "Comparative study of different modified potentiometric sensors for determination of moxifloxacin HCl in dosage forms.", Pharm Anal Acta, vol. 6, issue 397, pp. 14-16, 2015.
El-Dien, F. N. A., G. G. Mohamed, E. Y. Z. Frag, and M. M. A. Diab, "In situ modified ion selective electrodes for potentiometric determination Sidenafil citrate and some of its formulations.", Journal of Pharmacy Research , vol. 8, issue 4, pp. 437-447, 2014.
Mohamed, G. G., F. N. A. El-Dien, E. Y. Z. Frag, and M. E. B. Mohamed, "Chelating behavior, thermal studies and biocidal efficiency of tioconazole and its complexes with some transition metal ions.", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry , vol. 111, issue 1, pp. 173-181, 2013.
Mohamed, G. G., F. N. A. El-Dien, E. Y. Z. Frag, and M. E. B. Mohamed, "In situ modified screen printed and carbon paste ion selective electrodes for potentiometric determination of naphazoline hydrochloride in its formulation", Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis , vol. 3, issue 5, pp. 367–375, 2013.
Mohamed, G. G., F. N. A. El-Dien, E. Y. Z. Frag, and M. M. A. Diab, "Modified screen print and conventional carbon past electrods for determination of sildenafil citrate in tablets.", World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences , vol. 2, issue 6, pp. 4329-4348, 2013.
El-Dien, N. F. A., G. G. Mohamed, N. K. M. El-Dien, E. Y. Z. Frag, and H. M. Elqudaby, "Extractive spectrophotometric method for determination of meoxipril HCl and perindopril in raw materials and tablets using ion pair formation.", International Journal of Chemical and Analytical Science , vol. 3 , issue 3, pp. 1334-1339, 2012. international_j_of_chemical_analytical_science.pdf
El-Dien, N. F. A., G. G. Mohamed, E. Y. Z. Frag, and M. E. - B. Mohamed, "Modified Screen Printed and Carbon Paste Ion Selective Electrodes for Potentiometric Determination of Naphazoline Hydrochloride in Pure and Pharmaceutical Preparations", Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., vol. 7, issue 1452-3981, pp. 10266 – 10281 , 2012. modified_screen_printed de.pdf
El-Dien, F. N. A., G. G. Mohamed, A. M. Gomaa, and A. S. Sebaei, "Simple Validated Method for Determination of Deoxynivalenol and Zearalenone in Some Cereals Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography.", American Journal of Food Technology , vol. 7, issue 11, pp. 668-678, 2012. american_j_of_food_t.pdf
El-Dien, F. N. A., L. Findora´kova´, K. ´na Gy}oryova´, D. Hudecova´, D. Mudronˇova´, J. Kova´rˇova´, and K. ´na Homzova´, "Thermal decomposition study and biological characterization of zinc(II) 2-chlorobenzoate complexes with bioactive ligands", J Therm Anal Calorim, vol. 2, issue 1388-6150, 2012. faten_-_j_therm_anal_calorim_2012_2.pdf
El-Dien, F. N., A. ´ria Krajnı´kova´, K. ´na Gyoryova´, J. Kova´rˇova´, D. Hudecova´, J. Huba´cˇkova´, and M. ´n Koman, "Thermoanalytical, spectral and biological study of 4-bromobenzoatozinc(II) complexes containing bioactive organic ligands", J Therm Anal Calorim , vol. 110, issue 1388-6150, pp. 177-185, 2012. faten_-_j_therm_anal_calorim_2012_1.pdf
El-Dien, F. N. A., G. G. Mohamed, N. A. Mohmed, and H. A. F. El-halim, "Metalloantibiotics: Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of Clotrimazole Metal Chelates, Spectroscopic, and Thermal Characterization.", Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal chemistry, vol. 41, pp. 544–554 , 2011.
El-Dien, F. N. A., G. G. Mohamed, and R. G. El-Nahas, "New copper(II) complexes with dopamine hydrochloride and vanillymandelic acid: Spectroscopic and thermal characterization. ", Spectrochimica Acta (A) , vol. 81, pp. 489–497 , 2011.
El-Dien, F. N. A., G. G. Mohamed, E. Y. Z. Frag, and M. E. - B. Mohamed, "The Use of Integrated Analytical Tools for Determination of Cyclopentolate and Naphazoline Hydrochlolrides in Pure and Pharmaceutical Preparations.", Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta, vol. 2 (1), pp. 1-6, 2011.
El-Dien, F. N. A., M. Koman, M. Melník, K. GyŐryová, and L. Findoráková, " Preparation, thermal decomposition, and crystal structure of Zn(II) 2-chlorobenzoate complex with nicotinamide", Journal of Coordination Chemistry , vol. 26 August , pp. 1-8, 2010.
El-Dien, F. N. A., G. G. Mohamed, E. Y. Z. Frag, and E. Khaled, "Extractive spectrophotometric determination of sulphonamide drugs in pure and pharmaceutical preparations through ion-pair formation with molybdenum(V) thiocyanate in acidic medium", Journal of Advanced Research , vol. 1, pp. 215–220, 2010.
El-Dien, F. N. A., M. A. Zayed, M. F. Hawash, and M. A. Fahmey, "Mass spectra of gliclazide drug at various ion sources temperature. Its thermal behavior and molecular orbital calculations", J Therm Anal Calorim , vol. 102, pp. 305–312, 2010.