Nisreen Ezz El-Dien Mahmoud Professor of Parasitology

Born in August 20th, 1962 in Cairo, Egypt

Email   Web

Address 3 street 3, El-Etoor, King Faisal, Giza - Egypt

Phone: Home 0235821318   Mobile 01226251720

Educational Qualifications

Ph. D., Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, 1994

M. Sc., Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,  Cairo  University, 1990

B. Sc., Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,  Cairo  University, 1986

Academic Positions

Professor, Parasitology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, 2004

Associate Professor Parasitology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,  Cairo  University, 1999

Lecturer, Parasitology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,  Cairo University, 1994

Assistant Lecturer Parasitology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,  Cairo University, 1990

Demonstrator, Parasitology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,  Cairo  University, 1987

M. Sc. Some studies on the helminth parasites of marine water fishes in Suez Canal area

Ph. D. Studies on the ctoparasites of some marine water fishes in Suez Canal area

Areas of experience

Educational technology

Students scientific and social activities. Large animal field problem solving in farms.

Parasitology. Fish Parasitology. Protozoa. Teaching 3rd year students, Parasitology (fish parasites). Teaching post-graduate students (Parasitology).

Projects : *Sharing in the project of Biotechnological control of ticks in Egypt ( only  from 1995-1996).

*Sharing in the project of Geographical imfomation systems (GIS) and control of snail borne diseases.

*Sharing in the Project Comparative study of Lime Borreliosis Vectors/ Pathogenesis (Egyptian/US Project # 930312. from 1999-2002).


*22nd Arab Vet. Med. Cong. 1995.

*2nd Conf. Of Arab Biologists 9-11 Sept. 1995.

*4th International Symposium of the Ichthioparasitology Munich-Germany.

*4th Scientific Cong. Of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Cairo University-Giza 1996.

*The Scientific Cong. Of the Egyptian Society of  Parasitology Fac.. Med. Cairo Univ. 1997.

*5th Scientific Cong. of Faculty and Veterinary Medicine Cairo University-Giza 1998.

*11th Cong. For the Egyptian Veterinary Medicine for comparative pathology and clinical pathology 1998.

*2nd Scientific Cong. Fac. Vet. Med. Beni Suef Cairo Univ. 2001.

*25th Arab Vet. Med. Cong. 2001.

*3rd Scientific Cong. Fac. Vet. Med. Beni Suef Cairo Univ. 2003.

*9th Scientific Conf. (1st International) of Faculty and Veterinary Medicine Cairo University- Sharm El-Sheikh April  2007.

*10th Scientific Conference (2nd International) Cairo Univ. Fac. Vet. Med.; Hurghada 19-22 October 2009.

Training courses

*Attempting a training course in using fluorescent  microscope in the Institute of Ophthalmology, Giza Egypt.

*Member of the fish committee for the solution of Lake Naser fish helminth problems in G. O. Vet. S. Egypt.

*Attemptin a training course on fish Parasites in General Authority for Fish Resources Development 2002.

Computer Skills

Excellent in office word, power point, fair in Excel

Using the computer tools in teaching and research of veterinary Medicine.

Professional Memberships

*Member of the Egyptian Society of Veterinary Parasitology.

*Member of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology.

*Member of  the Egyptian Vet. Med. Assoc.

*Member of  the zoological society A. R. Egypt.

*Member of fish committee of the general organization for veterinary services, Egypt.(G.O.Vet.S.)


1. Awards of the Cairo University International publications (June,2009).

2. Award Dr / Mohamed Saed Soleiman, for the academic year 2006-2007. Fac. Vet. Med. Cairo Univ

. 3. Award Dr / Mohamed Saed Soleiman, for the academic year 2010-2011. Fac. Vet. Med. - Cairo Univ
