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Essawy, G. S., M. A. Ghoneim, E. M. Gouda, and H. A. M. Ogaaly, "Production of recombinant ovine leptin in yeast expression system. ", The First International Conference Of Scientific Research And Its Applications, , , Cairo University pp 377, 18-20 December , 2004.
Gouda, E. M., and G. S. Essawy, "Polymorphism of insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) gene among chicken breeds in Egypt. ", Vet. Med. J. Giza, vol. 57, issue 2, pp. 169 - 177, 2009.
Essawy, G. S., and I. M. Gouda, "Plasma leptin and plasma lipid profile in native breeds of Egyptian sheep. ", 1St Scientific Conference of Veterinary Physiology, , Cairo University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef. pp. 21-23, 2-3 Sept, 2000.
Essawy, G. S., Physiological studies on blood coagulation in camel., , Giza, Cairo University, 1988.