
Dr. Emad got his Ph.D. in "Solid State Physics" in 2011. Although his field of study was concerning "Polymer dispersed liquid crystals", he expanded his research field to include "Polymer nanocomposites", "Shape memory polymers", and "Metamaterials" during the post doctoral research. 
During his post doctoral studies, he supervised 5 B.Sc. Graduation Projects, 6 M.Sc. theses, and 6 Ph.D. theses under Cairo University affiliation. He also published 10 articles in peer-reviewed journals and 4 non-indexed articles.
Dr. Emad is a lecturer with +20 years of experience teaching courses in both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in four different universities. He was awarded Sultana N. Nahar Prize in Physics for Distinction in Teaching, citation “Highest number of students voted to learn under his supervision”.
Dr. Emad also held the position of Manager of Scientific and Electronic Device Maintenance Center, Cairo University.
Volunteering experience of Dr. Emad includes tens of lectures and training courses as a speaker, trainer, and organizer in different NGOs.
Moreover, he attended 7 credited training courses in teaching, 4 credited training courses in research, 6 credited training courses in general soft skills, and a summer school in sustainable development.
Far from academia, Dr. Emad is a former athlete in boxing, and Ikido. He is a father and lover of his small family.