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Abuzaied, H., D. W. Bashir, E. Rashad, M. M. Rashad, and H. El-Habback, "Ginseng Extract can alleviate The Induced-renal Toxicity of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in a Rat Model", Journal of Applied Veterinary Sciences: Egyptian Society for Animal Management (ESAM), 2024. Abstract
Mohamed, E. R., H. A. E. - Haback, M. I. A. Rabou, S. H. Mohamed, and E. - S. A. F. khalifa, "Gross anatomy and morphology of Egyptian water buffalo’s liver (Bubalus bubalis) with reference to some histochemical and immunohistochemical evaluation.", RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL, BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL SCIENCES., 2016. 61.pdf
Rashad, E., H. A. El-Haback, M. I. Abdrabou, S. Hussein, and E. F. Khalifa, "Gross anatomy and morphology of Egyptian water buffalo's liver (Bubalus Bubalis) with reference to some histochemical and immunohistochemical evaluation", Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Biological and Chemical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 3: RJPBCS RESEARCH JOURNAL PHARMACEUTICAL, BIOLOGICAL & CHEMICAL SCIENCES …, pp. 45–60, 2017. Abstract
Rashad, E., H. A. El-Haback, M. I. Abdrabou, S. Hussein, and E. F. Khalifa, "Gross anatomy and morphology of Egyptian water buffalo's liver (Bubalus Bubalis) with reference to some histochemical and immunohistochemical evaluation", Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Biological and Chemical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 3: RJPBCS RESEARCH JOURNAL PHARMACEUTICAL, BIOLOGICAL & CHEMICAL SCIENCES …, pp. 45–60, 2017. Abstract