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Hatab, M. H., A. M. M. Badran, M. A. Elaroussi, E. Rashad, A. A. M. Taleb, and A. A. Elokil, "Effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles as feed additive on blood indices, physiological, immunological responses, and histological changes in broiler chicks", Biological Trace Element Research, vol. 202, no. 5: Springer US New York, pp. 2279–2293, 2024. Abstract
Hatab, M. H., E. Rashad, H. M. Saleh, E. - S. R. El-Sayed, and A. M. A. Taleb, "Effects of dietary supplementation of myco-fabricated zinc oxide nanoparticles on performance, histological changes, and tissues Zn concentration in broiler chicks", Scientific Reports, vol. 12, no. 1: Nature Publishing Group UK London, pp. 18791, 2022. Abstract