Hesham Elshaer
Assisstant professor
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Recent Publications
Misoprostol Prior to Diagnostic Office Hysteroscopy in the Subgroup of Patients with No Risk Factors for Cervical Stenosis: A Randomized Double Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial.
Misoprostol versus uterine straightening by bladder distension for pain relief in postmenopausal patients undergoing diagnostic office hysteroscopy: a randomised controlled non-inferiority trial
Barbed Versus Conventional Suture: A Randomized Trial for Suturing the Endometrioma Bed After Laparoscopic Excision of Ovarian Endometrioma
GnRH antagonist rescue protocol combined with cabergoline versus cabergoline alone in the prevention of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome: a randomized controlled trial
Optimal timing of misoprostol administration in nulliparous women undergoing office hysteroscopy: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study.