Buchet, R., L. Beauvais, and C. Sandorfy,
"Hydrogen bond equilibrium constants of some unusual nucleotide base pairs.",
Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics, vol. 2, issue 1, pp. 221-32, 1984 Aug.
AbstractApproximate hydrogen bond association constants were determined for base pairs formed by an adenine derivative and a number of unusual pyrimidine bases. A series is found in which the H-bond strength in the base-pairs varies. In certain cases the H-bond equilibrium constant is larger than in the adenine-thymine pair. Inosine derivatives seem to have a non-negligible chance of replacing guanosine in the guanosine-cytosine pair. Infrared, near-infrared (overtone) and NMR spectra were used to determine the equilibrium constants.