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MM Metwally, IA Abd El- Gawad, I. A. M. E. M. E. - S., "The selection of a proper starter for Ras Cheese-making made from buffalo milk", African Journal of Agriculture Science, vol. 17, pp. 1-11, 1990. Abstract
MM Metwally, IA Abd El- Gawad, I. A. M. E. M. E. - S., "The selection of a proper starter for Ras Cheese-making made from buffalo milk", African Journal of Agriculture Science, vol. 17, pp. 1-11, 1990. Abstract
IA Abd El- Gawad, MM Metwally, A. E. M. E. M. E. - S., "The selection of a proper starter for Ras cheese-making made from cow milk", Zagazig Journal Agriculture Research Egypt, vol. 17, issue 3, pp. 87-90, 1990. Abstract
IA Abd El- Gawad, MM Metwally, A. E. M. E. M. E. - S., "The selection of a proper starter for Ras cheese-making made from cow milk", Zagazig Journal Agriculture Research Egypt, vol. 17, issue 3, pp. 87-90, 1990. Abstract
MM Metwally, MM Naguib, A. A. A. E. - N. E. M. E. - S. A. E. - G. S. A. I., "The selection of a proper starter for Ras cheese. II- the use of mixed culture.", Egyptain Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 12, pp. 187, 1984. Abstract
MM Metwally, MM Naguib, A. A. A. E. - N. I. A. A. E. - G. E. M. E. - S. S., "The selection of a proper starter for Ras cheese. I- the use of single culture.", Egyptain Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 12, pp. 179, 1984. Abstract
MB Mahfouz, E M El-Sayed, I. A. A. E. - G. E. - E. A. M. A. E. - S. H., "Structural studies on colostrum and milk lactoferrins from different species.", Egyptian Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 25: EGYPTIAN SOCIETY OF DAIRY SCIENCE, pp. 41-54, 1997. Abstract
EM El-sayed, AM Hamed, S. M. B. A. A. M., "A survey of selected essential and toxic metals in milk in different regions of Egypt using ICP-AES.", Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B, vol. 4, issue 4: Taylor & Francis, pp. 294–298, 2011. Abstract