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EM El-Sayed, SM Badran, A. M. H. A. A. M., "Behavior and fate of polychlorinated biphnels during processing of some dairy products", Bulletin of the international Dairy Federation, vol. 472: Bulletin of the international Dairy Federation, pp. 55-65, 2014. Abstract
EM El-Sayed, SM Badran, A. M. H. A. A. M., "Behavior and fate of polychlorinated biphnels during processing of some dairy products", Bulletin of the international Dairy Federation, vol. 472: Bulletin of the international Dairy Federation, pp. 55-65, 2014. Abstract
El-Sayed, E. M., A. A. Hefny, F. A. Saleh, and I. A. Abd El-Gawad, "Bifidobacteria as a starter for the manufacture of soy yoghurt products", Pro.7thEyptain Conf.DairySci.&Techn., pp. 269-294, 1998. Abstract
Mahfouz, M. B., E. M. El-Sayed, A. M. Abdel-Salam, I. A. Abd El Gawad, and Y. H. Naim, "Biosynthesis and sorting of N-glycosylated human lysozyme in polar and non-polar epithelial cells", Egyptain Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 31, issue 1: EGYPTIAN SOCIETY OF DAIRY SCIENCE, pp. 71-80, 2003. Abstract