
Online Assessment (ELE007)


One of the most common forms of computer aided assessment (in terms of eLearning) is online quizzes or exams. These can be implemented online, and also marked by the computer by putting the answers in. Many Content Management Systems will have easy to setup and use systems for online exams. 

Ethics and Values (ELE005)


This course is an introduction to the topic, but new questions and dilemmas related to ethics and values will arise in every aspect of practice, and in every piece of work you undertake as a social worker.

An introduction to Digital Environments for Learning ELE001


This course is the foundation element of the E-Learning Diploma, and gives you the opportunity to explore a range of key e-learning themes, and to become familiar with studying online. This course applies the concept of blended Learning.

Programming Languages INF314 (under graduate Course for Students at the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University)


أهداف المقرر:ـ 
أولا : إمداد الطلاب بالمعرفة الاساسية اللازمة لتصميم وتنفيذ برمجيات الحاسب الالي بأستخدام لغة البرمجة

ثانيا: بناء قواعد بيانات وكيفية التعامل معها والتعرف علي التطبيقات في مجال المكتبات والمعلومات بأستخدام نظم قواعد البيانات 

ثالثا: تطوير صفحات معلومات تفاعلية

Selected Topics in Information Technology (IOS Applications Design and Development) IT623


IOS Applications Design and Development course provides an opportunity to study various mobile applications that run on the mobile platforms and the Internet, acquire relevant skills and develop an understanding of the issues surrounding the Mobile Platforms and SDKs including recent brand names. This is the definitive post graduate course boot camp to building successful mobile applications.

Cooperative Learning: Effective Teamwork for E-Learning (ELE014)


Cooperation is working together to accomplish shared goals. Within cooperative activities individuals seek outcomes that are beneficial to themselves and beneficial to all other group members. Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own and each others' learning.

Technical Writing and Communication (ELE013)


Technical communication is a challenging and rewarding career, which can be practiced within any knowledge area. In 2006, Money Magazine rated Technical Writer as the 13th best job in the US, rated on salary, job prospects, flexibility, creativity, difficulty and stress level ( Demand for skilled technical writers continues to grow in fields such as health, finance, manufacturing, IT and government. Anybody whose job involves technical writing, or who intends moving into this area, will benefit from attending this course.

IOS Real Time Control Applications (IT621)


Recent developments of network services and many forms of multimedia computing, together with the increased use of commercial products carrying embedded systems (such as automobiles, cell phones, etc.) have raised awareness for real-time issues which were traditionally confined to areas of control systems and avionics.

Online Assessment (ELE007)


One of the most common forms of computer aided assessment (in terms of eLearning) is online quizzes or exams. These can be implemented online, and also marked by the computer by putting the answers in. Many Content Management Systems will have easy to setup and use systems for online exams. 

Online Assessment (ELE007)


One of the most common forms of computer aided assessment (in terms of eLearning) is online quizzes or exams. These can be implemented online, and also marked by the computer by putting the answers in. Many Content Management Systems will have easy to setup and use systems for online exams. 

Understanding Learning in The Online Environment

This course will provide an introduction to the various theories that have been developed to help us understand how people learn, form personal understandings and construct knowledge. It will consider the ways in which understanding of the processes of learning can inform the practices of teaching, exploring the potential for online approaches to alter the social and interactional aspects of learning.

Developing Digital Learners (ELE003)


This course will focus on learner development for online learning. While it will enable you to better understand how effective learning skills can be nurtured in online environments in particular, much of what is learned will be equally relevant in offline contexts. 

Effective Course Design for E-learning (ELE002)


Designing an online course requires educators and developers to find a pathway through a complex terrain in which media, curriculum, ideology, context and resources must all be balanced and negotiated. 

This course will give a practical and theoretical grounding in ways of approaching this task. We will begin by exploring a range of approaches to course design, moving on to a small group activity in which each member will have the opportunity to design and run a small-scale learning event. 

Online Assessment (ELE007)


One of the most common forms of computer aided assessment (in terms of eLearning) is online quizzes or exams. These can be implemented online, and also marked by the computer by putting the answers in. Many Content Management Systems will have easy to setup and use systems for online exams. 
