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Ayad, E. E., K. Y. O. eldin, A. A. El-hindawi, M. S. Abdelmagid, and H. A. Elmeligy., "Immunohistochemical Study of Ezrin Expression in Colorectal Carcinoma: A Comparative Study between Objective Method and Digital Quantitative Assessment", Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. , vol. 2020 April , issue 21(4), pp. 967-974., 2020.
Ayad, E., and A. M. Hassanin, "The impact of chronic testicular inflammatory infiltration on spermatogenesis in azoospermic men, evidence-based pilot study", Middle East Fertility Society Journal , vol. 21, pp. 31–35, 2016. hassanin_and_ayad_2015.pdf
Ayad, E., and S. F, "Inter-hospital teleconsulting project between Cairo and Palermo", Nuove Tecnologie in Medicina; Applicazioni Informatiche e telematiche in Medicina, vol. Anno 2004 4, N. 3-4: , , issue 4, N. 3-4, pp. 4-7, 2004.