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Ashiry, E. E. A., N. M. Alamoudi, R. M. Allarakia, A. M. Bayoumi, E. E. Ayad, A. A. Tuwirqi, M. M. Mounir, R. Sahhaf, A. M. A. Hamid, and E. O. A. Meligy, "Histological and histomorphometrical evaluation of adipose tissue and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in regeneration of the cleft alveolus in dogs", Medical Science, vol. Volume 24, issue Issue 102, March - April, 2020, pp. 750-764, 2020.
E, A., and F. S, "Histopathological and immunohistochemical study of the coincidence of Helicobacter pylori with carcinoma of the stomach", Egyptian Journal of Pathology, vol. 23, issue No. 2, June, 2003.
E, A., I. N, and S. W, "Histopathological study and immunohistochemical evaluation of P53 & Ki-67 antigens expression in thyroid neoplasms", Egyptian Journal of Pathology, vol. 21, issue No. 2, Dec, 2001.