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E, A., and F. S, "Histopathological and immunohistochemical study of the coincidence of Helicobacter pylori with carcinoma of the stomach", Egyptian Journal of Pathology, vol. 23, issue No. 2, June, 2003.
E, A., I. N, and S. W, "Histopathological study and immunohistochemical evaluation of P53 & Ki-67 antigens expression in thyroid neoplasms", Egyptian Journal of Pathology, vol. 21, issue No. 2, Dec, 2001.
Ayad, E. E., K. Y. O. eldin, A. A. El-hindawi, M. S. Abdelmagid, and H. A. Elmeligy., "Immunohistochemical Study of Ezrin Expression in Colorectal Carcinoma: A Comparative Study between Objective Method and Digital Quantitative Assessment", Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. , vol. 2020 April , issue 21(4), pp. 967-974., 2020.
Ayad, E., and A. M. Hassanin, "The impact of chronic testicular inflammatory infiltration on spermatogenesis in azoospermic men, evidence-based pilot study", Middle East Fertility Society Journal , vol. 21, pp. 31–35, 2016. hassanin_and_ayad_2015.pdf
Ayad, E., and S. F, "Inter-hospital teleconsulting project between Cairo and Palermo", Nuove Tecnologie in Medicina; Applicazioni Informatiche e telematiche in Medicina, vol. Anno 2004 4, N. 3-4: , , issue 4, N. 3-4, pp. 4-7, 2004.
E, A., S. A, Anis SE, Salem AB, Hu P, and D. Y., "Ki 67 assessment in breast cancer in an Egyptian population: a comparative study between manual assessment on opticalmicroscopy and digital quantitative", Diagnostic Pathology, vol. 13, issue 63, pp. 1-9, 2018.
Mostafa, H. S., T. O. Fawzy, W. R. Jabri, and E. Ayad, "Lymphatic Obstruction: A Novel Etiologic Factor in the Formation of Antrochoanal Polyps", Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol, vol. Jun 4, issue 123(6), pp. 381-386, 2014. lymphatic_obstruction.pdf
A, B., R. A, H. A. S. N. E. H. Attia AF, Atef A, and A. E, "Prevalence of extramucosal fungal elements in sinonasal polyposis: a mycological and pathologic study in an Egyptian population", Am J Otolaryngol. , vol. 2011 Jul-Aug, issue Jul-Aug;32(4), pp. 308-317, 2011.
A, B., N. S. Mashaly M, Q. M. Atef A, and A. E, "Quantitative analysis of uvular muscles in cases of simple snoring and obstructive sleep apnea: an image analysis study", Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol., vol. 2008 , May, issue May;265(5), pp. 581-6, 2008.
E, A., "Sinonasal Schneiderian papilloma (SP): A P53 Histochemical study and its correlation with histopathology", Egypt. J. Ottolaryngol, vol. 22, No.2, June, issue No.2, June, pp. 151-166 , 2005.
E, A., and S. F, "Telepathology in emerging countries pilot project between Italy and Egypt", Diagn Pathology, vol. 2008 Jul 15, issue Jul 15;3 , pp. Suppl 1:S2, 2008.
E, A., and S. F, "Telepathology in emerging countries pilot project between Italy and Egypt", Cellular Oncology , vol. 30 , issue Number 2/2008, pp. 174, 2008.
Ayad, E., ""The Progress Of Digital Pathology In The Middle East"", HFSP, vol. 10, issue 1, pp. 86-89, 2016.
Moustafa, H., M.Qotb, M. Hussein, A. Eid, E. Ayad, and T. Fawzy, "Topical Corticosteroids Decrease IL-25 Expression by Immunohistochemistry", ORL J Otorhinolaryngol , vol. 81, issue 5-6, pp. 274-280, 2019.
E, A., F. I, P. D, and S. S., "Triple negative, basal cell type and EGFR positive invasive breast carcinoma in Kuwaiti and British patients", Breast J., vol. 2009 Jan-Feb, issue Jan-Feb;15(1), pp. 109-111, 2009.
A, B., A. AM, N. M. Raouf MA, Nasr SM, and A. EE., "Ultrastructural ciliary changes of maxillary sinus mucosa following functional endoscopic sinus surgery: an image analysis quantitative study", J Laryngol Otol. , vol. 2003 Apr, issue Apr;117(4), pp. 273-9, 2003.
E, A., and A. H. K, "The value of CD 30, CD15 and CD 45 immunostaining Cocktail for Confident Detection Of Reed-Sterberg cells in Hodgkin’s disease", Egyptian Journal of Pathology, vol. 25, issue No. 2, Dec, 2005.
E, A., W. N, and I. N, "Vimentin in cytologic aspirates of liver to differentiate between primary and secondary hepatic carcinoma", Egyptian Journal of Pathology, vol. 23 , issue No. 2, June, 2003.
Ayad, E., "Virtual microscopy beyond the pyramids, applications of WSI in Cairo University for E-education & telepathology", Anal Cell Pathol (Amst). , vol. 2012, issue 35(2), pp. 93-95, 2012.
Ayad, E., "Virtual Telepathology in Egypt, Applications of WSI in Cairo University", Diagnostic Pathololgy, vol. 2011 Mar 30, issue 30;6 Suppl 1., pp. Suppl 1:S1., 2011.