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Hamed, I. A., M. E. Megahed, and O. A. Mahdy, "Across Sectional Analysis Studies on Sea Bream (Rhabdosargus haffara) at Gulf of Suez, Red Sea, Egypt", Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, vol. 28(6), issue ISSN 1110 – 6131 , pp. 165 – 184 (2024), 2024. haffara.pdf
Attia, M. M., S. S. Barsoum, H. B. A. Baghdadi, O. A. Mahdy, and S. E. L. M. Gameel, "Evaluation of different inflammatory markers during the infection of domestic cats (Felis catus) by Cystoisospora felis (Coccidia: Apicomplexa)", BMC Veterinary Research, vol. Article number: 516 (2024), 2024. s12917-024-04295-2_2.pdf
Mahdy, O. A., M. M. Attia, I. B. Shaheed, M. Abdelsalam, M. Y. Elgendy, and M. A. I. A. SALEM, "Evaluation of Praziquantel effectiveness in treating Nile tilapia clinostomid infections and its relationships to fish health and water quality", BMC Veterinary Research, vol. 20:449, 2024. s12917-024-04279-2_2.pdf
Mahdy, O. A., A. zaki, M. M. Khalifa, A. Al-Mokaddem, and M. M. Attia, "Genetic characterization and pathogenic effects of Hepatozoon canis infection in police dogs; Egypt", Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2024. genetic.pdf
Mahdy, O. A., M. A. I. A. SALEM, M. Abdelsalam, I. B. Shaheed, and M. M. Attia, "Immunological and Molecular Evaluation of Zoonotic Metacercarial Infection in Freshwater Fish: A Cross-Sectional Analysis", Research in Veterinary Science, 2024.
Mahdy, O. A., M. A. I. A. SALEM, M. Abdelsalam, and M. M. Attia, "An innovative approach to control fish-borne zoonotic metacercarial infections in aquaculture by utilizing nanoparticles", Scientific Reports, vol. 25307, pp. 14:25307, 2024. s41598-024-74846-y.pdf
Mahdy, O. A., R. Montaser, and M. A. I. A. SALEM, "Innovative molecular and immunological approaches of heterophyiasis infecting some Egyptian marketed fishes", BMC Veterinary Research, vol. 20, pp. 385, 2024. s12917-024-04226-1_3.pdf
Mahdy, O. A., S. A. zaied Maogood, M. I. Shalaan, and M. A. I. A. SALEM, "A multidisciplinary study on Clinostomum infections in Nile tilapia: micro-morphology, oxidative stress, immunology, and histopathology", BMC Veterinary Research (2024), 2024.
Ramadan, R. M., O. A. Mahdy, M. El-Saied, F. F. Mohammed, and M. A. I. A. SALEM, "Novel insights into immune stress markers associated with myxosporeans gill infection in Nile tilapia (molecular and immunohistochemical studies)", PLOS ONE Published by PLOS, vol. 19(6):e0303702, 2024. m.pdf
Attia, M. M., O. A. Mahdy, A. W. Soliman, M. Abdelsalam, and M. A. I. A. SALEM, "Prevalence, Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Anisakis simplex Larvae in Commercially Important Fishes from Egyptian Markets", Egyptian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 2024. ansakis.pdf
Mahdy, O. A., A. M. Nassar, O. K. M. M. M. S. Bassma S. M. Elsawy, Heba F. Alzan, and C. E. Suarez, "Cross-sectional analysis of Piroplasma species-infecting camel (Camelus dromedaries) in Egypt using a multipronged molecular diagnostic approach ", Front. Vet. Sci., 28 April 2023, vol. Volume 10 - 2023 |, issue, 2023.
Mahdy, O. A., M. Abdelsalam, and M. A. I. A. SALEM, "Molecular Characterization and Immunological Approaches Associated with Yellow Grub Trematode (Clinostomid) Infecting Nile Tilapia", Research Article, vol. Volume 2023, issue, 2023.
SALEM, M. A. I. A., O. A. Mahdy, M. I. Shalaan, and R. M. Ramadan, "The phylogenetic position and analysis of Renicola and Apharyngostrigea species isolated from Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis)", Scientific Reports, vol. 16195 (2023), 2023. print_renicola.pdf
SALEM, M. A. I. A., O. A. Mahdy, M. I. Shalaan, and R. M. Ramadan, "The phylogenetic position and analysis of Renicola and Apharyngostrigea species isolated from Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis)", Scientific Reports, vol. 16195 (2023), 2023. print_renicola.pdf
Mahdy, O. A., S. Z. A. Maogood, F. F. Mohamed, and M. A. I. A. SALEM, "Assessment of Verbesina alternifolia and Mentha piperita oil extracts on Clinostomum phalacrocoracis metacercariae from Tilapia zillii", Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (BJBAS), vol. Accept, 2022.
Attia, M. M., and O. A. Mahdy, "Fine structure of adult fly and different stages of larvae of camel nasal bot; Cephalopina titillator (Diptera: Oestridae)", International Journal of Tropical Insect Science In press, vol. 42(1), pp. . 677–684, 2022.
Mahdy, O. A., M. Abdelsalam, S. A. Z. Maowgood, and M. S. M. I. A. and Salem, "First genetic confirmation of Clinostomidae metacercariae infected in Oreochromis niloticus in Egypt", Aquaculture Research, vol. 53(1), pp. 199–207, 2022.
Mahdy, O. A., A. H. Sherif, N. Sabry, and M. M.Attia, "Macrogyrodactylus spp. and bacterial co-infection in the farmed African catfish Clarias gariepinus", Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, vol. 26, pp. 229-242, 2022.
Mahdy, O. A., and M. M. Attia, "Comparative micro-morphological and phylogenetic analysis between Rhinoestrus purpureus and Rhinoestrus usbekistanicus (Diptera: Oestridae) larvae and its adults", International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, vol. 41, issue 241, pp. 250, 2021.
SALEM, M. A. I. A., S. A. Z. Maogood, M. I. Abdelsalam, and O. A. Mahdy, "Comparative morpho-molecular identification of Clinostomum phalacrocoracis and Clinostomum complanatum metacercaria coinfecting Nile tilapia in Egypt", Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, vol. 25(1), issue 1110 – 6131, pp. 371 – 385 , 2021.
Mahdy, O. A., S. Z. Abd El-Maogood, M. Abdelsalam, S. M., H. A. Abdelrahman, and M. A. Salem, "Epidemiological study of fish-borne zoonotic trematodes infecting Nile tilapia with first molecular characterization of two heterophyid flukes", Aquaculture Research, vol. 52, issue 1355557X, pp. 4475–4488, 2021.