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SALEM, M. A. I. A., O. A. Mahdy, M. I. Shalaan, and R. M. Ramadan, "The phylogenetic position and analysis of Renicola and Apharyngostrigea species isolated from Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis)", Scientific Reports, vol. 16195 (2023), 2023. print_renicola.pdf
SALEM, M. A. I. A., S. A. Z. Maogood, M. I. Abdelsalam, and O. A. Mahdy, "Comparative morpho-molecular identification of Clinostomum phalacrocoracis and Clinostomum complanatum metacercaria coinfecting Nile tilapia in Egypt", Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, vol. 25(1), issue 1110 – 6131, pp. 371 – 385 , 2021.
SALEM, M. A. I. A., O. A. Mahdy, M. I. Shalaan, and R. M. Ramadan, "The phylogenetic position and analysis of Renicola and Apharyngostrigea species isolated from Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis)", Scientific Reports, vol. 16195 (2023), 2023. print_renicola.pdf
Shalaby, S. I., O.A.Mahdy, N.Hassan, I. Mohamed, and N. Gupta, "Parasitological and pathological analysis of trematode cyst infestations in Tilapia nilotica, T. zilli and Mugil cephalus.", Journal of Parasitic Diseases, vol. 31, issue 0975-0703, pp. 38-43, 2007.
Shalaby, S. I., N. Hassan, A. Raafat, and N. G. Olfat Anter Mahdy &M. El Mahdy, Iman Mohamed, "Effect of parasitization by certain heterophyid species in rats and dogs in Egypt ", Biological Memoirs, vol. 29, pp. 21 – 29 , 2003.
Shalaby, S., O. A. Mahdy, N. Hassan, and E. L. M. Mahdy, "Clinical Manifestation of Experimentally Induced Fish-Borne Trematode Infection in Experimental Animals", Daya Books, 2008.
Shalaby, I. M., S. Shalaby, O. A. Mahdy, and H. E. - M. N. N. M. & Gupta, "Clinical manifestations of experimentally induced fish-borne trematode infection in experimental animals", In Ecotechnology and environmental issues book, Arvid Kumar & Kumar Prasun Ramakrishnan (Editors) . Daya Publication House , Delhi-110 035. , pp. 403-409., 2009.
Shalaby, S. I., O. A. Mahdy, N. Hassan, and M. I. N. G. and M. El-Mahdy, "Clinical manifestations of experimentally induced fish born trmatode infection in experimental animals", Journal of Current Science, vol. 9, pp. 443-448., 2006.
Shalaby, S., O. A. Mahdy, N. Hassan, E. L. M. Mahdy, and E. M. N. Gupta, "Parasitological and pathological studies on extra-intestinal heterophyiasis", J.of Parasitic Disease, vol. 27, pp. 39-44, 2003. olfat_heterophyes.pdf
WAHAB, A. A., S. A. Z. Maogood, and O. A. Mahdy, "SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC CHANGES IN HABRONEMA MUSCAE AFTER IN VITRO EXPOSURE TO PLANT EXTRACT (VERBESINA ALTERNIFOLIA)", Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology,, vol. 47(1), issue 1110- 0583, pp. 47- 54, 2017.
WAHEED M. MOUSA, O. A. Mahdy, A. Z. Z. A. M. ABDEL-WAHAB, and S. O. H. A. I. L. A. M. EL-GAMEEL, "EVALUATION OF HUMERAL IMMUNITY AGAINST THREE HYDATID CYST ANTIGENS OF CAMELS USING SECONDARY CYST DEVELOPMENT IN RABBIT MODEL", Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology,, vol. Vol. 47, No. 3, issue 1110-0583, pp. 623– 631, 2017.
Zaki, A. A., Attia, A. F., Ismael, and O. A. Mahdy, "Prevalence, genetic, and biochemical evaluation of immune response of police dogs infected with Babesia vogeli", Veterinary world, vol. 14(4), issue 09728988, pp. 903-913, 2021.