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Abu El Ela, M., and M. Nabawi, "Changing Feed Conditions Push Egyptian Gas Plant to Upgrade CO2 Membrane System", Oil & Gas Journal, vol. 106, issue 27, 2008.
Abu El Ela, M., H. Sayyouh, and S. El Tayeb, "CO2 Use Could Boost Egypt’s Western Desert Oil Recovery", Oil & Gas Journal, vol. 111, issue 9, 2013.
Abu El Ela, M., "Complete and Cost‐Effective Approach for Diagnosing Formation Damage and Performing Successful Stimulation Operations", Journal of Petroleum Science Research , vol. 2, issue 2, pp. 64-73, 2013. Abstract

Energy is essential in our life. Energy sources in Malaysia are heavily dependent on fossil fuels. Today, Malaysia starts to realize the importance to adopt renewable energy (RE) in the energy mix to ensure sustainable energy and security. This paper aims to present and discuss the feed-in tariff (FiT) outlook in Malaysia, which is enacted under Renewable Energy Policy by the Malaysian Government. The overall approach of how FiT mechanism works towards the RE and how to benefit from it was discussed. The FiT implementation globally is positive indicators to implement FiT in Malaysia. Potentials of FiT on RE are currently very promising in Malaysia and able to give opportunities to public in generation of energy from RE. In terms of cost, solar energy (solar photovoltaic) predicted to be the main RE of the future, surpasses all other REs.

Snosy, M., M. Abu El Ela, A. El-Banbi, and H. Sayyouh, "Comprehensive Investigation of Low Salinity Waterflooding in Carbonate Reservoirs", Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, vol. 12, issue 3, pp. 701–724, 2022.
Senosy, M. F., M. Abu El Ela, A. El-Banbi, and M. H. Sayyouh, "Comprehensive Investigation of Low‑salinity Waterflooding in Sandstone Reservoirs", Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, vol. 10, issue 5, pp. 2019–2034, 2020.