
*Current job:

*Professor of physical therapy for neurology and neurosurgery- Coordinator of Physical therapy department for female section-Faculty of Applied Medical Science-

Umm Al-Qura




*Doctoral degree

of physical therapy for neurology, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University

under the Title of:

The Use of Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation in Stroke Patients(



*Master degree

of physical therapy for neurology (


). Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University.

under the Title of:

Assessment of Stretch Reflex Activities of Elbow Flexors in Stroke Patients


*Bachelor of Physical Therapy

with very good, honor degree Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University(



*Professional appointments:



,and coordinator of department of Physical therapy - Faculty of Applied Medical Science –female section-

Umm Al-Qura

University-KSA -2015.



, department of physical therapy for neuromuscular disorders & its surgery-

Cairo University

–Egypt- 2014.


Associate professor& Coordinator of Medical Rehabilitation Science Dept

. – Faculty of Applied Medical Science - Girls Section- -

King Khalid University- KSA

, 2008-2014.



, department of physical therapy for neuromuscular disorders & its surgery -

Cairo University

– Egypt- 2004-2009.


An assistant lecturer

, department of physical therapy for neuromuscular disorders & its surgery -

Cairo University

– Egypt- 1999 -2004.


An instructor

, department of physical therapy for neuromuscular disorders & its surgery -

Cairo University


*Administrative positions:


Coordinator of Physical therapy

department for female section-    Faculty of Applied Medical Science-

Umm Alqura

University-KSA 2015.


Director of students labs

, Faculty of Physical Therapy

, Cairo University, 2013-2014


3-    Chairman of the Quality Committee,

Department of Physical Therapy for neuromuscular disorders & its surgery

, Cairo University, 2013-2014.

4-    Academic advisor for the doctoral level,

Department of Physical Therapy for neuromuscular disorders & its surgery

, Cairo University, 2013-2014.


Member of the Council of Education and Student Affairs,

Faculty of Physical Therapy

, Cairo University, 2013-2014


6-    Head of Physical Therapy Dept

. – Faculty of Applied Medical Science - Girls Section- -

King Khalid University- KSA




Member of leadership and management project for qualify and adoption -

Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, 2008.


Member of internal audit committee -unit of quality assurance -

Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University ,2008.

9-    Leader of Social Committee for Student Union -

Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University - 2006/2007 -2007 / 2008 .

10-Membership of the Students' Union,

Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University in 2006/2007 -2007 / 2008.

   11-coordinator for girls -

Cairo University- Faculty of Physical  Therapy 2006/2007.