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Darwish, D. S., "Investigations on faba beans, Vicia faba L. 8- Response of faba bean hybrids to water stress.", Proc. 7th Egypt. Agron. Conf., Mansoura: Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, pp. 203-214, 1996. Abstract
Abdalla, M. M. F., and D. S. Darwish, "Investigations on faba beans, Vicia faba L. 7- Cairo 2 and Cairo 241, two new Orobanche tolerant varieties.", Proc. 7th Egypt. Agron. Conf., Mansoura: Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, pp. 187-201, 1996. Abstract
Darwish, D. S., and M. M. F. Abdalla, "Investigations on faba beans, Vicia faba L. 6- Performance of a new collection of land races.", Proc. 7th Egypt. Agron. Conf., Mansoura: Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, pp. 179-185, 1996. Abstract
Abdalla, M. M. F., and D. S. Darwish, "Investigations on faba beans, Vicia faba L. 5- Improving faba bean yield accompanying selection to Orobanche tolerance.", Proc. 7th Egypt. Agron. Conf., Mansoura, vol. 1: Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, pp. 171-177, 1996. Abstract
Darwish, D. S., and M. M. F. Abdalla, "Investigations on faba beans, Vicia faba L. 4- Cairo 1 and Cairo 375, two newly developed varieties.", Proc. 6th Egypt. Agron. Conf. , Al Azhar Univ.: Faculty of Agriculture, Al Azhar Univ., pp. 633-950, 1994. Abstract
Abdalla, M. M. F., D. S. Darwish, M. M. El-Ehady, and E. A. A. El-Emam, "Investigations on Faba beans, Vicia faba L. 29-Improving yield and its components in two populations through early pedigree selection.", Egypt. J. Plant Breed., vol. 16, issue 4, pp. 1-14, 2012. Abstract
Abdalla, M. M. F., D. S. Darwish, M. I. El-Emiry, and Z. N. A. A. Eldin, "Investigations on Faba beans, Vicia faba L. 25-Performance of seven varieties under different cultural treatments and seed coating by macro and micronutrients.", Egypt. J. Plant Breed., vol. 13, pp. 347-354, 2009. Abstract
Darwish, D. S., M. M. F. Abdalla, M. A. Omar, S. R. E. Abo-Hegazy, and T. S. A. El-Marsafawy, "Investigations on Faba beans, Vicia faba L. 23- Genetic analysis of Orobanche tolerance/resistance.", Egypt. J. Plant Breed., vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 953–967, 2007. Abstract
Darwish, D. S., M. M. F. Abdalla, H. A. Saber, and M. T. Sedik, "Investigations on faba beans, Vicia faba L. 22-Reaction of six faba bean genotypes and Orobanche to the herbicide glyphosate", Egyptian Journal of Plant Breeding, vol. 11, issue 1, pp. 401-409, 2007. Abstract
Abdalla, M. M. F., D. S. Darwish, M. M. Shafik, and M. M. H. A. El-Wahab, "Investigations on faba beans, Vicia faba L. 21-selection for Orobanche-tolerance in segregating generations of faba bean", Egyptian Journal of Plant Breeding, vol. 11, issue 1, pp. 317-333, 2007. Abstract
Abdalla, M. M. F., D. S. Darwish, M. A. Omar, and T. S. A. El-Marsafawy, "Investigations on faba beans, Vicia faba L. 20- Selection and performance of Orobanche tolerant material under different environments.", Egypt. J. Plant Breed., vol. 10, issue 1, pp. 203-221, 2006. Abstract
Darwish, D. S., M. M. F. Abdalla, S. A. Mahmoud, and T. S. Elmarsafawy, "Investigations on faba beans, Vicia faba L. 18- Performance of some breeding material in saline-affected soils.", Proceed. 3rd Pl. Breed. Conf., April26, 2003: Egypt.J.Plant Breed., pp. 347-361, 2003. Abstract
Darwish, D. S., M. M. F. Abdalla, and S. R. E. Abo-Hegazy, "Investigations on faba beans, Vicia faba L. 17-Polycrosses, open crosses and inbreds", Proc. 2nd Plant Breed. Confr. Oct, vol. 2, pp. 375–389, 2001. Abstract
Darwish, D. S., A. M. M.F., E. A. El-Metwally, M. H. El-Sherbeeny, and S. M. Attia, "Investigations on faba beans, Vicia faba L. 13- Performance of some faba bean genotypes and their hybrids under Orobanche-infestation.", Proceed. First Pl. Breed. Conf. Dec. 4 (Giza).: Egypt. J. Plant Breed., pp. 231-246, 1999. Abstract
Darwish, D. S., M. M. F. Abdalla, R. R. El-Masry, and M. T. Abdel-Hamid, "Investigations on faba beans, Vicia faba L. 10- Influence of watering regimes on faba beans reaction to Orobanche infestation.", J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ.,, vol. 21, issue 11: Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, pp. 3833-3847, 1996. Abstract
Abdalla, M. M. F., D. S. Darwish, E. A. El-Metwally, M. H. El-Sherbeeny, and S. M. Attia, "Investigations on faba beans, Vicia faba L 11- Performance and stability of faba bean genotypes under Orobanche-infestation in three locations.", Egyptian J. Plant Breeding., vol. 2, pp. 135–153, 1998. Abstract
Darwish, D. S., M. M. F. Abdalla, M. M. El-Hady, and E. A. A. El-Emam, "Investigations on faba beans (Vicia faba L.) 19-diallele and triallele mating using five parents, Egypt. J", Plant Breed, vol. 9, pp. 197-208, 2005. Abstract
Abdalla, M. M. F., and D. S. Darwish, "Investigations on Faba bean, Vicia faba L. 24-Cairo 4, Cairo 5 and Cairo 25 new varieties tolerant to Orobanche", Egypt. J. Plant Breed, vol. 12, issue 1, pp. 315-320, 2008. Abstract
Abdalla, M. M. F., D. S. Darwish, M. M. El-Hady, and E. H. El-Harty, "Investigations on faba bean (Vicia faba L.) 16-F1 and F2 diallele hybrids with reciprocals among five parents, Egypt. J", Plant Breed, vol. 5, pp. 155-179, 2001. Abstract
Abdalla, M. M. F., D. S. Darwish, M. M. El-Hady, and E. H. El-Harty, "Investigations on faba bean (Vicia faba L.) 12-Diallele crossed materials grown under cages, Egypt. J", Plant Breed, vol. 3, pp. 213-229, 1999. Abstract
Abdalla, M. M. F., D. S. Darwish, A. A. Ali, and E. A. A. El-Emam, "Investigation on faba bean (Vicia faba. L). 15. Variability and clustering of faba bean Land Races", Egypt. J. Plant Breed, vol. 4, pp. 257–272, 2000. Abstract
Darwish, D. S., "Influence of various methods and rates of broomrape infection on faba beans", Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo Univ., vol. 42, 1991. Abstract
Darwish, D. S., S. A. Shrief, G. M. Fahmy, M. M. Y. Madany, A. M. Saleh, and R. M. S. Al-Juboori, "Influence of three soil moisture levels on early growth and proline content of some faba bean genotypes", International Journal of Chem. Tech Research, vol. 9, 2016. Abstract
Mohamed, A. M. E. - M., M. S. Al-Ashmoony, A. E. - H. E. - S. El, D. S. Darwish, and others, "Influence of testers and watering regimes on combining ability and heterosis of maize top crosses", Maydica, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 6, 2019. Abstract