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Abdalla, M. M. F. l, and D. S. Darwish, "Cairo 3: a new faba bean variety with high quality characteristics (note).", Egypt. J. Plant Breed., vol. 8: 352, pp. 351, 2004. Abstract
Radwan, M. S., A. F. Ibrahim, A. A. Metwally, D. S. Darwish, and M. M. Shafik, "Comparative response of soybean varieties to various maize-soybean intercropping systems and artificial shading.", Book 3 of 33rd Science week. Sypreme Council of Sciences. Syrian A.R., pp. 621-644., 1995. Abstract
Abou Taleb, S. M. A. E., and D. S. Darwish, "Controlled and open pollination effects on performance and fertility of faba beans.", Proceed. 3rd Pl. Breed. Conf., April26, 2003: Egypt. J. Plant Breed., pp. 723-737, 2003. Abstract