, vol. 8, 2017.
Gestational Diabetes (GD) has been recognized as a complication of pregnancy that will resolve after childbirth,
but recent research has identified that this diagnosis may signify a lifetime of health issues. Its risk can be
minimized if it properly managed. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of structured educational
session on staff nurse’s knowledge about gestational diabetes. A quasi experimental design was used to conduct
the study. A convenience sample of 43 maternity nurses who provide care for women during childbearing period
under the supervision of the Ministry of Health from different seven primary health hospitals in Giza
governorate, Egypt. Data was collected by using self-administered close ended questionnaire which consisted of
two parts: socio-demographic characteristics and knowledge assessment schedule (Pre-Post assessment). The
educational session implemented seven times through a period of eight weeks to cover seven hospitals at Giza
governorate. There was a significant improvement of the nurses’ knowledge regarding GDM after the
educational session which included definition, classification, diagnosis, risk factors and complication (p = 0.000
for each). Also the knowledge of the participants was significantly improved after the educational session
regarding nursing management of GDM. This included diet, what to do with high or low blood glucose, how to
count fetal movement and benefit of exercise (p= 0.000 for each). The total knowledge score increased
significantly after the educational session (P = 0.000). This study demonstrated knowledge gap and inadequate
practice by antenatal care givers in the management of gestational diabetes mellitus in the primary health care
sector, and the educational session has a significant impact on nurse’s knowledge regarding GDM.
Keywords: gestational diabetes, maternity nurse, educational session