Hello, a bit about me:

Dr. Mohamed Elwakil is an assistant professor in the Information Systems Department, Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University since August 2011.

The primary focus of Dr. Elwakil’s research is to develop formal methods and supporting tools to aid modeling, analysis and debugging of computer software. In particular, he is working on deterministic replay and trace-based predictive analysis of message-passing concurrent programs. His work appeared in conferences/workshops such as ATVA, ACT, EASE and PADTAD, and in journals such as ACM TODAES.

Dr. Elwakil received his PhD from Western Michigan University, MS and BS from Cairo University. His PhD thesis supervisor was Dr. Zijiang Yang. He was the recipient of the 2010 PADTAD best paper award and the WMU Teaching Effectiveness Award 2005-2011. He worked in projects supported by grants from the NSF and the ONR.
