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Hood, D. M., D. A. Grosenbaugh, Mostafa B. Mostafa, S. J. Morgan, and B. C. Thomas, "The Role of Vascular Mechanisms in the Development of Acute Equine Laminitis", Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, vol. 7, issue 4, pp. 228-234, 1993. role1012.x.pdf
Inas, N. E. - H., M. B. Mostafa, A. M. El Habak, and H. F. Harb, "Biomechanical Studies on Femoral Fracture Repair Fixed By Different Fixation Methods in Dogs", Journal of American Science, vol. 8, issue 1, pp. 216-222, 2012. 032_7749am0801_216_222.pdf