Badawy, M. M., E. A. A. Elmouety, and M. M. Mahmoud,
"Assessing the Multidimensional Vulnerability of Lagging Regions: A Case Study of New Valley Governorate Egypt.",
International Journal of Sustainable Development & Planning, vol. 17, issue 6, pp. 1873-1885, 2022.
AbstractIn recent years, regional cohesion policies have received increasing attention worldwide.
Therefore, international organizations, governments, and researchers have sought to assess the
vulnerability in lagging regions. However, most studies have focused on exposure to a
particular risk, with little work to examine overall interactions or adaptability from a
multidimensional perspective. This study aims to fill the current research gap by developing a
multidimensional composite index using the IPCC approach and a Delphi survey to define the
criteria and specify the weights of the variables by the AHP method. The results showed that
the municipality, which has an adaptive capacity through physical and economic capabilities,
has overcome environmental, social, and demographic risks. On the other hand, some
municipalities have been affected by their isolation, resulting in a high sensitivity to economic,
social, and demographic challenges. A quantitative assessment of the various aspects of
vulnerability and adaptability assists experts in mitigating the effects of vulnerability through
management, planning, and decision-making; developing appropriate strategies; and serving
as a manual for governments in managing vulnerability decrease to achieve sustainable