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Azza, S., G. S. Darwish, and M. R. Elmitiny, "A Methodology of Site Selection for Traffic Stream Studies on Rural Roads", Engineering Research Journal, vol. 55, pp. 214 - 225, 1998.
Saied, A., "Metro Share of Downtown Commuters in Greater Cairo", Scientific Bulletin, vol. 33, issue 3, pp. 149 - 166, 1998.
Saied, A. M., and A. A. E. MEgeed, "Modeling of Traffic Noise Volume in Urban Areas", the 6th International Conference on Energy and Environment, Cairo, Egypt, May, 1998.
Saied, A. M., and A. A. E. MEgeed, "Modeling of Traffic Noise Volume in Urban Areas", the 6th International Conference on Energy and Environment, Cairo, Egypt, May, 1998.
Saied, A., A. N. K, E. H. T, and E. and Emam, Monetary Valuation of Air Quality Due to Traffic in Greater Cairo, , 1999.