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Saied, A., A. El-Sayed, and K. A.Nasser, "Accident Models For Rural Roads In Egypt", Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University, vol. 25, issue 3, 2003.
Huzayyin, A. S., and A. Saied, "Analysis of Delayed Balanced Development in New Cities; Transport Or Other Reasons To Blame?", The Ninth World Conference on Transportation Research WCTR , Seoul, Korea, , July, 2001.
Saied, A., T. El Hakim, E. Emam, and K. Abdel. Naser, ""Assessment and Modeling of Carbon Monoxide Pollution Due to Traffic in Greater Cairo", The Second International Conference on Civil Engineering ICCE II, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University, April, 2000.
Saied, A., K. Nasser, and G. Said, "Assessment of Intercity Travel Demand Elasticities in Egypt", Civil Engineering Research Magazine, vol. 20, issue 3, 1998.
Saied, A., "Azza Saied Household Location Models and the Environment". Proceeding of the Regional Conference and International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology", ". Proceeding the Regional Conference and International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology, 1995.