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Eman Mumtaz El Mahdya, M. Gamal, B. E. Aboulhoda, A. Shamaa, and A. N. E. A. &A. S. M. Laila Rashed, "Amelioration of rotenone-induced Parkinson's disease; comparing therapeutic role of erythropoietin versus low-level laser activation of mesenchymal stem cells (an in-vivo and in-vitro study", Animal Cells and Systems Volume 27, 2023 - Issue 1 , issue Volume 27, 2023 - Issue 1 , pp. Pages 272-286 , 2023.
Gaafer, T., H. A. Dina Sabry, H. M. A. Sohair Mahfouz, A. A. Shamaa, and M. Ahmed, "Angiogenesis in rat ischemic hindlimb: role of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells transplantation. ", Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2012.