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S.Ahmed, A., M. M. Aboudina, A. N. Mohieldin, and I. A. Eshrah, "Low-Power Front-End and Local Oscillator for Millimeter-Wave Receivers", IEEE International Conference EUROCON (Computer as a Tool), Spain, September, 2015.
Sameer, R., A. N. Mohieldin, and H. Eissa, "An automated design methodology for stress avoidance in analog & mixed signal designs", International Design and Test Workshop (IDT), Abu Dhabi, UAE, December, 2010.
Sawaby, M., A. N. Mohieldin, and A. Eladawy, "Design and Optimization of a 94GHz Rotary Traveling Wave Oscillator for mm-Wave Applications", International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Lisbon, Portugal, May, 2015.
Silva-Martínez, J., Regina Origel, Adan Lopez, S. T. Tan, and A. N. Mohieldin, "Analog Building Blocks for High Frequency Applications", IEEE Dallas Circuits and Systems Workshop on Low Power/Low Voltage Mixed-Signal Circuits and Systems, Richardson, Texas, 2001.