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Emira, A. A., A. Valdes-Garcia, B. Xia, A. N. Mohieldin, A. Valero, S. T. Moon, C. Xin, and E. Sánchez-Sinencio, "A Dual-mode Direct Conversion Bluetooth/802.11b Receiver", IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Conference, Fort Worth, Texas, June, 2004.
Emira, A., A. N. Mohieldin, and E. Sánchez-Sinencio, "A 100MHz, 8mW ROM-Less Quadrature Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer", IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference, Florence, Italy, September, 2002.
Emira, A., A. N. Mohieldin, M. Abouzied, H. Osman, and A. Soliman, Narrowband RF Filtering Techniques Using Feedforward Cancellation, : STDF, 2014.
Emira, A. A., A. Valdes-Garcia, B. Xia, A. N. Mohieldin, A. Valero, S. T. Moon, C. Xin, and E. Sánchez-Sinencio, "Chameleon: A Dual Mode 802.11b/Bluetooth Receiver System Design", IEEE Transactions On Circuits and Systems-II, vol. 53, issue 5, pp. 992-1003, 2006.
Emira, A. A., A. Valdes-Garcia, B. Xia, A. N. Mohieldin, A. Valero, S. T. Moon, C. Xin, and E. Sánchez-Sinencio, "A Dual-mode 802.11b/Bluetooth Receiver in 0.25um BiCMOS", IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference, San Francisco, California, February, 2004.
Emira, A. A., A. Valdes-Garcia, B. Xia, A. N. Mohieldin, A. Valero, S. T. Moon, C. Xin, and E. Sánchez-Sinenco, "Chameleon: A Dual-Mode Bluetooth/802.11b Receiver", IEEE Dallas Circuits and Systems Workshop, Richardson, Texas, March, 2004.
Elhebeary, M. R., M. A. A. Ibrahim, M. M. Aboudina, and A. N. Mohieldin, "Dual-Source Self-Start High-Efficiency Micro-Scale Smart Energy Harvesting System for IoT", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 65, issue 1, pp. 342-351, 2018.
Elhebeary, M. R., M. M. Aboudina, and A. N. Mohieldin, "An Ultra-Low-Power Boost Converter for Microscale Energy Scavenging", IEEE International Conference EUROCON (Computer as a Tool), Spain, September, 2015.
Elhebeary, M. R., M. A. A. Ibrahim, M. M. Aboudina, and A. N. Mohieldin, "A Dual Source Microscale Energy Harvesting System for Wireless Sensor Networks", International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Brazil, June, 2015.
Elgarby, O., F. Hussien, and A. N. Mohieldin, "An Automated CAD Tool for Rapid Technology Characterization", International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM), Lebanon, December, 2017.
Elgamal, M. A., M. Weheiba, M. M. R. Esmael, M. A. Y. Abdalla, and A. N. Mohieldin, "A 37-43 GHz Two Way Current Combining Power Amplifier with 19.6-dBm P1dB For 5G Phased Arrays in 45nm-SOI CMOS", IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems (ICECS), November, 2021.
Elgabry, O., F. A. Hussien, and A. N. Mohieldin, "Integrated Circuit Technology Characterization And Evaluation Using Automated CAD Tool", AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Elsevier), vol. 97, issue December, pp. 68-78, 2018.