
I graduated from the Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University in 2001. I got my B.Sc. from the Information Systems Department. I was ranked second on IS class of 2001. In 2008, I got my M.Sc. degree from the same department . My MSc. thesis was focused on using Association Rule Mining in the prediction of Protien-Protien Interactions in Biological data.

In July 2019, I finished my PhD.


 titled "Developing Effiecient Techniques for Social Networks Analysis", which focused on modelling and infering users' interests in social networks as well as providing social networks analysts with an intelligent integrated data warehouse framework for Twitter 

My career started in 2002 as a teacher assistant in Information Systems department. Afterwards,I became an Assistant Lecturer in 2008, then a Lecturer in 2019.

Aside from academics, I am interested in human development and life coaching field. I instructed many courses for NGOs like: leaderships skills, team work, motivation, time management and career planning. 

I traveled to many countries throughout the past years like: France, UK, Germany, Belguim, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Poland, Greece, Argentina, Georgia and Guatemala.