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El-Sherbiny, A. E., Y. A. F. Hammouda, H. M. A. Hassan, and M. A. Mohamed, "Total, phytate and non-phytate phosphorus in corn, barley, sorghum and soybean as affected by soacking and germination", Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Mansoura Univ., vol. 26, 2002. Abstract
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El-Sherbiny, A. E., A. K. Abou-Raya, F. E. Abdel-Salam, and N. E. Omar, "Evaluation of different varieties of Egyptian barley as sources of protein for chicks. 1.-Protein and amino acid composition", Research Bulletin-Ain Shams University, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo, 1982. Abstract
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El Sherbiny, A. E., M. N. Khalil, R. K. Rabie, and W. E. Ahmed, "Effect of Nitrogen nutrition and salinity on the chemical composition and seed yield of some wheat varieties [Egypt].", Zagazig Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 12, 1985. Abstract