Dr. Amal Elgammal has received her Ph.D. in Information Systems from Tilburg University the Netherlands in 2012 under a Ph.D. scholarship from the European Research Institute in Information Systems (ERISS). During her Ph.D. studies (2008-2012), she worked on the EU-funded projects COMPAS (Compliance-driven Models, Languages, and Architectures for Services), and S-Cube (Software Services and System Network). Her novel research contributions are witnessed by the high-quality list of project deliverables, that have been accepted by excellence by the EU (http://amalelgammal.weebly.com/publications.html), and the prestigious list of conference/journal papers (http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=d7egWuEAAAAJ&hl=en). She has gained invaluable practical/industrial experience due to her joint work with various industrial partners in the context of COMPAS and S-Cuble, whom she participated with in providing the industrial case studies and working scenarios (e.g. PricewaterhouseCoopers the Netherlands and Thales Services France). She worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the Governance, Risk and Compliance Technology Centre (GRCTC) at University College Cork from 2013 to 2014, and a Research Fellow in Trinity College Dublin as in the Distributed Systems Group in from 2014 to 2015, where she worked on the EU FET project DIVERSIFY. She also has over 10 years of teaching experience in Cairo University and Tilburg university, teaching undergraduate and post-graduate courses, where she usually received favourite reviews. Dr. Amal Elgammal has obtained her Masters degree in Information Systems from Cairo University in 2007, where she was awarded for the best Masters thesis.
She has expertise in Business process verification and analysis, business process management, Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC), Model-driven Engineering, Web Services Composition and verification, Formal Methods, Automata Theory and Model-checking techniques. Her research interests revolve around Formal Reasoning and Analysis, Service monitoring, Dynamic Service adaptation, Smart cities, Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) and Ontology Engineering, IoT, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Healthcare