Amal Elgammal
P.Papazoglou, M., A. Elgammal, and B. J.Krämer,
Collaborative on-demand Product-Service Systems customization lifecycle
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology
, 2018.
Ayoub, A., and A. Elgammal,
Utilizing Twitter Data for Identifying and Resolving Runtime Business Process Disruptions
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems. OTM 2018 Conferences, CoopIS'2018
, Malta, 2018.
Riad, M., A. Elgammal, and D. Elzanfaly,
Efficient Management of Perishable Inventory by Utilizing IoT
2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC)
, Germany, 2018.
Meskini, A., Y. Taher, A. Elgammal, and Y. Slimani,
Toward Proactive Learning of Multi-layerd Cloud Service Based Application
Communications in Computer and Information Science
, 2017.
Meskini, A., Y. Taher, A. Elgammal, and B. Finance,
Proactive Learning From SLA Violations in Cloud Service-Based Applications
the 6th International Conference On Cloud Computing and Services Science
, Italy, 2016.
Papazoglou, M., and A. Elgammal,
The Manufacturing Blueprint Environment: Bringing Intelligence into Manufacturing
23rd ICE/IEEE ITMC Conference
, Portugal, 28 June, 2017.
Elgammal, A., M. Papazoglou, B. Kramer, and C. Constantinescu,
Design for Customization: A New Paradigm for Product-Service System Development
The 9th CIRP IPSS Conference: Circular Perspectives on Product/Service-Systems
, Denmark, 19-21 June, 2017.
Barnawi, A., A. Awad, and A. Elgammal,
An Anti-Pattern-based Runtime Business Process Compliance Monitoring Framework
nternational Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA)
, vol. 7, issue 2, 2016.
Sakr, S., and A. Elgammal,
Towards a Comprehensive Data Analytics Framework for Smart Healthcare Services
Big Data Res.
, vol. 4, pp. 44-58, 2016.
A., B., A. A., E. A., E. R., A. A., and S. S,
Runtime Self-Monitoring Approach of Business Process Compliance in Cloud Environments
Cluster Computing
, vol. 18, issue 4, pp. 1503-1526, 2015.
curriculum vitae