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Eissa, A. E., M. S. Yusuf, N. A. Younis, MohamedFekry, A. A. Dessouki, G. A. Ismail, H. Ford, and A. M. Abdelatty, "Effect of poultry offal silage with or without betaine supplementation on growth performance, intestinal morphometry, spleen histomorphology of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings.", Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition, vol. 106, issue 5, pp. 1189-1195, 2022. Abstract

Fishmeal (FM) is the main protein source in fish feed. However, it is quite expensive due to its limited resources. Therefore, finding a dietary alternative to the FM to sustain fish production is crucial, and the current study was performed to assess the impact of poultry offal silage (POS) with or without betaine supplementation; as an effective and cheaper alternative to FM; on feed efficiency, growth performance, spleen morphology and intestinal morphometry of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings. Four dietary treatments were formulated: (1) FM based diet, (2) FM-B; FM diet +0.7% betaine, (3) POS diet and (4) POS-B; POS diet +0.7% betaine. Each dietary treatment consisted of three replicates (n = 10/replicate), and the experiment was continued for 16 weeks. By the end of the experiment, spleen and intestine specimens were collected from 15 fish (n = 5/replicate) for histopathological assessment. The results were statistically analysed using GLM procedures of SAS 9.4. Feed efficiency increased in both POS-B and FM-B groups (p = 0.01), while body weight and body weight gain showed only weak tendencies towards an increase (p = 0.10 and 0.12, respectively). The villi length was the highest in POS-B fed group (p < 0.01). In addition, melanomacrophage centres of the spleen increased in both betaine-supplemented groups (p < 0.01). From our findings, we conclude that betaine supplementation with poultry offal silage improved production performance and immune status of Nile tilapia fish.

El-Attrouny, M. M., M. M. Iraqi, I. I. Sabike, A. M. Abdelatty, M. M. Moustafa, and O. A. Badr, "Comparative evaluation of growth performance, carcass characteristics and timed series gene expression profile of GH and IGF-1 in two Egyptian indigenous chicken breeds versus Rhode Island Red.", Journal of animal breeding and genetics = Zeitschrift fur Tierzuchtung und Zuchtungsbiologie, vol. 138, issue 4, pp. 463-473, 2021. Abstract

Indigenous chicken breeds in developing countries have diverse benefits to rural economy as a source of high-quality animal protein. However, there are few reports on the evaluation of economic traits in Egyptian indigenous breeds. Hence, this study aimed to investigate growth performance, carcass characteristics, body measurements and meat quality traits in two indigenous breeds of chickens (Benha line and Golden Montazah) versus Rhode Island Red as a reference worldwide breed. Besides, a time series expression profile of somatotropic axis genes including GH and IGF-1 and their plasma level concentrations were investigated. Benha line chickens (BL) revealed the highest improved estimates of growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality traits. In the same manner, it displayed the highest levels of hepatic GH and IGF-1 and muscle IGF-1 gene expression compared to Rhode Island Red (RIR) and Golden Montazah (GM) chickens. Accordingly, BL exhibited the highest levels of plasma IGF-1 and the lowest levels of plasma GH. This result suggests the direct association between growth performance, carcass characteristics and levels of IGF-1 gene expression in the selected chicken breeds. BL is a superior Egyptian genotype with candidate productive traits and competing characteristics, it could be used widely as a proven ancestor of commercial hybrid breeds.

Elokil, A. A., W. Chen, K. Mahrose, M. M. Elattrouny, K. F. M. Abouelezz, H. I. Ahmad, H. - Z. Liu, A. A. Elolimy, M. I. Mandouh, A. M. Abdelatty, et al., "Early life microbiota transplantation from highly feed-efficient broiler improved weight gain by reshaping the gut microbiota in laying chicken.", Frontiers in microbiology, vol. 13, pp. 1022783, 2022. Abstract

Starting phase of laying chicken life is the building stone for rearing and production stages. Since, fecal microbial transplantation (FMT) regulates the gut microbial diversity and affects the productive performance of the bird. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of FMT from feed-efficient broiler chicken could program the diversity of gut microbiota and growth of recipient native slow growing egg-laying chicks. For this, a total of 150 (one-day-old) Jing Hong chicks were randomly assigned into two groups, each group consisted of 5 replicates ( = 15 bird/ replicate). The control group (CON) and FMT recipient birds (FMT) fed on basal diet, the FMT group received an oral daily dose of FMT prepared from Cobb-500 chickens. The FMT performed from the 1d to 28d of age, through the experimental period, feed intake and body weight were recorded weekly. At the end of a 28-day trial, carcass traits were assessed and cecal samples were collected for microbiome assessment 16S rRNA-based metagenomic analysis to characterize the diversity and functions of microbial communities. The data were statistically analyzed using R software. Body weight and body weight gain increased, and FCR decreased ( = 0.01) in FMT group. The relative abundance of and the (F/B) ratio were increased due to FMT administration ( = 0.01). A higher relative abundance of , , and were presented in the FMT group. Meanwhile, , , and were more abundant in the CON group ( < 0.01). Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes (KEGG) pathways for microbial functions regarding amino acid metabolism, secondary metabolites biosynthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, energy metabolism, and enzyme families, cofactors, and vitamins were significantly annotated in the FMT group. Overall, FMT administration from the donor of highly feed-efficient broilers improved weight gain by reshaping a distinct gut microbiome, which may be related to the metabolism and health in the recipients laying chicks, providing new insight on the application of the FMT technique for early life programming of laying chickens.

Elolimy, A. A., M. Zeineldin, M. Abdelmegeid, A. M. Abdelatty, A. S. Alharthi, M. H. Bakr, M. M. M. Y. Elghando, A. Z. M. Salem, and J. J. Loor, "Metabolomics and Proteomics Signatures in Feed-Efficient Beef and Dairy Cattle", Metabolomics and Proteomics Signatures in Feed-Efficient Beef and Dairy Cattle: Springer, 2021. 2021_book_sustainableagriculturereviews5.pdf
Esmael, A., E. Azab, A. A. Gobouri, M. A. Nasr-Eldin, M. M. A. Moustafa, S. A. Mohamed, O. A. M. Badr, and A. M. Abdelatty, "Isolation and Characterization of Two Lytic BacteriophagesInfecting a Multi-Drug ResistantSalmonellaTyphimurium andTheir Efficacy to Combat Salmonellosis in Ready-to-Use Foods", Microorgansims, vol. 9, pp. 423, 2021.