Professor Aly El-Shafei Bio

Dr. Aly El-Shafei is a Certified Vibration Analyst, Category IV. He holds a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and is a world renowned expert on vibration analysis, rotordynamics and machinery diagnostics. Dr. El-Shafei is  a Professor of Vibration Engineering at Cairo University, Egypt. Prof. El-Shafei also chairs the ISO working group ISO/TC108/SC2/WG10 responsible for developing international standards on machinery vibration diagnostics, and serves on the IFToMM Scientific Committee on Rotordynamics, the Vibration Institute Training Committee and the I. Mech. E. Scientific Committee on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery. Dr. El-Shafei is known as a seasoned diagnostics engineer and has solved many chronic problems worldwide. He is also known worldwide for his work on Squeeze Film Dampers, and the developing of new technology for the control of rotating machinery vibration. Dr. El-Shafei has received 3 US patents and has published more than 80 papers on rotordynamics and machinery diagnostics.

Dr. El-Shafei has held positions as Executive Director of the Science and Technology development Fund (STDF) 2008-2011; Assistant Minister for Technology Development, Ministry of Scientific Research 2006-2008; Chairman, Mechanical Design and Production Department, Cairo University 2011-2014, Group Technical Director, Ezz Group 1994-1997; Chairman RITEC 1998-2008 and 2011-present.; Assistant Professor, University of South Florida, Tampa 1988-1990.
