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Li, C., G. Xiong, X. Fu, A. W. Mohamed, X. Yuan, M. A. Al-Betar, and P. N. Suganthan, "Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy based power system fault section diagnosis models via genetic learning adaptive GSK algorithm", Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 255: Elsevier, pp. 109773, 2022. Abstract
Liu, Q., G. Xiong, X. Fu, A. W. Mohamed, J. Zhang, M. A. Al-Betar, H. Chen, J. Chen, and S. Xu, "Hybridizing gaining–sharing knowledge and differential evolution for large-scale power system economic dispatch problems", Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, vol. 10, issue 2: Oxford University Press, pp. 615-631, 2023. Abstract
Liu, T., G. Xiong, A. W. Mohamed, and P. N. Suganthan, "Opposition-mutual learning differential evolution with hybrid mutation strategy for large-scale economic load dispatch problems with valve-point effects and multi-fuel options", Information Sciences, vol. 609: Elsevier, pp. 1721-1745, 2022. Abstract