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Nadakinamani, R. G., A. Reyana, S. Kautish, A. S. Vibith, Y. Gupta, S. F. Abdelwahab, and A. W. Mohamed, "[Retracted] Clinical Data Analysis for Prediction of Cardiovascular Disease Using Machine Learning Techniques", Computational intelligence and neuroscience, vol. 2022, issue 1: Hindawi, pp. 2973324, 2022. Abstract
Nadakinamani, R. G., A. Reyana, S. Kautish, A. S. Vibith, Y. Gupta, S. F. Abdelwahab, and A. W. Mohamed, "[Retracted] Clinical Data Analysis for Prediction of Cardiovascular Disease Using Machine Learning Techniques", Computational intelligence and neuroscience, vol. 2022, issue 1: Hindawi, pp. 2973324, 2022. Abstract
Goudos, S. K., A. Boursianis, A. W. Mohamed, M. Salucci, S. Koulouridis, and C. Christodoulou, "Wideband antenna design for 5g mmwave applications using enhanced adaptive differential evolution", 2022 IEEE international symposium on antennas and propagation and USNC-URSI radio science meeting (AP-S/URSI): IEEE, pp. 63-64, 2022. Abstract
Hassan, S. A., P. Agrawal, T. Ganesh, and A. W. Mohamed, "A Travelling Disinfection-Man Problem (TDP) for COVID-19: A Nonlinear Binary Constrained Gaining-Sharing Knowledge-Based Optimization Algorithm", Intelligent Data Analysis for COVID-19 Pandemic, Singapore, Springer Singapore, pp. 291 - 318, 2021. Abstract

An improved scheduling the disinfection process of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) is introduced. The scheduling aims at achieving the best utilization of the available day time, which is calculated as the total disinfection time minus the total loss travelling time. In this regard, a new application problem is presented, which is called a travelling disinfection-man problem (TDP). The new problem (TDP) in network optimization resemble somehow the famous travelling salesman problems (TSP) but with basic distinct variations where a disinfection group is likely to select a route to reach a subset of predetermined places to be disinfected with the most utilization of the available day working hours. A nonlinear binary model is introduced with a detailed real application case study involving the improving the scheduling of coronavirus disinfection process for five contaminated faculties in Ain Shams University in Cairo, and the case study is solved using a novel discrete binary gaining-sharing knowledge-based optimization algorithm (DBGSK).

Kong, L. S., M. B. Jasser, S. - S. M. Ajibade, and A. W. Mohamed, "A systematic review on software reliability prediction via swarm intelligence algorithms", Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences: Elsevier, pp. 102132, 2024. Abstract
Hassan, S. A., Y. M. Ayman, K. Alnowibet, P. Agrawal, and A. W. Mohamed, "Stochastic Travelling Advisor Problem Simulation with a Case Study: A Novel Binary Gaining-Sharing Knowledge-Based Optimization Algorithm", Complexity, vol. 2020: Hindawi, pp. 6692978, 2020. AbstractWebsite

This article proposes a new problem which is called the Stochastic Travelling Advisor Problem (STAP) in network optimization, and it is defined for an advisory group who wants to choose a subset of candidate workplaces comprising the most profitable route within the time limit of day working hours. A nonlinear binary mathematical model is formulated and a real application case study in the occupational health and safety field is presented. The problem has a stochastic nature in travelling and advising times since the deterministic models are not appropriate for such real-life problems. The STAP is handled by proposing suitable probability distributions for the time parameters and simulating the problem under such conditions. Many application problems like this one are formulated as nonlinear binary programming models which are hard to be solved using exact algorithms especially in large dimensions. A novel binary version of the recently developed gaining-sharing knowledge-based optimization algorithm (GSK) to solve binary optimization problems is given. GSK algorithm is based on the concept of how humans acquire and share knowledge during their life span. The binary version of GSK (BGSK) depends mainly on two stages that enable BGSK for exploring and exploitation of the search space efficiently and effectively to solve problems in binary space. The generated simulation runs of the example are solved using the BGSK, and the output histograms and the best-fitted distributions for the total profit and for the route length are obtained.

Hassan, S. A., K. Alnowibet, M. H. Khodeir, P. Agrawal, A. F. Alrasheedi, and A. W. Mohamed, "A Stochastic Flight Problem Simulation to Minimize Cost of Refuelling", Computers, Materials & Continua, vol. 69, issue 1: Tech Science Press, pp. 849-871, 2021. Abstract
Hassan, S. A., P. Agrawal, T. Ganesh, and A. W. Mohamed, "Scheduling shuttle ambulance vehicles for COVID-19 quarantine cases, a multi-objective multiple 0–1 knapsack model with a novel Discrete Binary Gaining-Sharing knowledge-based optimization algorithm", Data Science for COVID-19, pp. 675 - 698, 2021. AbstractWebsite

The purpose of this paper is to present a proposal for scheduling shuttle ambulance vehicles assigned to COVID-19 patients using one of the discrete optimization techniques, namely, the multi-objective multiple 0–1 knapsack problem. The scheduling aims at achieving the best utilization of the predetermined planning time slot; the best utilization is evaluated by maximizing the number of evacuated people who might be infected with the virus to the isolation hospital and maximizing the effectiveness of prioritizing the patients relative to their health status. The complete mathematical model for the problem is formulated including the representation of the decision variables, the problem constraints, and the multi-objective functions. The proposed multi-objective multiple knapsack model is applied to an illustrated case study in Cairo, Egypt, the case study aims at improving the scheduling of ambulance vehicles in the back and forth shuttle movements between patient’ locations and the isolation hospital. The case study is solved using a novel Discrete Binary Gaining-Sharing knowledge-based optimization algorithm (DBGSK). The detail procedure of the novel DBGSK is presented along with the complete steps for solving the case study.

Prasad, P. S., A. S. Lakshmi, S. Kautish, S. P. Singh, R. K. Shrivastava, A. S. Almazyad, H. M. Zawbaa, and A. W. Mohamed, "Robust Facial Biometric Authentication System Using Pupillary Light Reflex for Liveness Detection of Facial Images.", CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, vol. 139, issue 1, 2024. Abstract
Rajawat, A. S., P. Bedi, S. B. Goyal, S. Kautish, Z. Xihua, H. Aljuaid, and A. W. Mohamed, Research Article Dark Web Data Classification Using Neural Network, , 2022. Abstract
Mohamed, A. W., A. A. Hadi, A. K. Mohamed, P. Agrawal, A. Kumar, and P. N. Suganthan, "Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2021 special session and competition on single objective bound constrained numerical optimization", Tech. Rep.: Nanyang Technological University Singapore, 2020. Abstract
Mohamed, A. W., A. A. Hadi, A. K. Mohamed, P. Agrawal, A. Kumar, and P. N. Suganthan, "Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2021 special session and competition on single objective bound constrained numerical optimization", Tech. Rep.: Nanyang Technological University Singapore, 2020. Abstract
Ramujee, K., P. Sadula, G. Madhu, S. Kautish, A. S. Almazyad, G. Xiong, and A. W. Mohamed, "Prediction of Geopolymer Concrete Compressive Strength Using Convolutional Neural Networks.", CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, vol. 139, issue 2, 2024. Abstract
Hassan, S. A., K. Alnowibet, P. Agrawal, and A. W. Mohamed, "Optimum Scheduling the Electric Distribution Substations with a Case Study: An Integer Gaining-Sharing Knowledge-Based Metaheuristic Algorithm", Complexity, vol. 2020: Hindawi, pp. 6675741, 2020. AbstractWebsite

This work is dedicated to the economic scheduling of the required electric stations in the upcoming 10-year long-term plan. The calculation of the required electric stations is carried out by estimating the yearly consumption of electricity over a long-time plan and then determining the required number of stations. The aim is to minimize the total establishing and operating costs of the stations based on a mathematical programming model with nonlinear objective function and integer decision variables. The introduced model is applied for a real practical case study to conclude the number of yearly constructed stations over a long-term plan in the electricity sector in Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia. The current planning method is based only on intuition by constructing the same number of required stations in each year without searching for better solutions. To solve the introduced mathematical model, a novel recent gaining sharing knowledge-based algorithm, named GSK, has been used. The Augmented Lagrangian Method (ALM) is applied to transform the constrained formulation to become unconstrained with penalization to the objective function. According to the obtained results of the real case study, the proposed GSK with ALM approved an ability to solve this case with respect to convergence, efficiency, quality, and robustness.

Hassan, S. A., P. Agrawal, T. Ganesh, and A. W. Mohamed, "Optimum Distribution of Protective Materials for COVID−19 with a Discrete Binary Gaining-Sharing Knowledge-Based Optimization Algorithm", Computational Intelligence Techniques for Combating COVID-19, Cham, Springer International Publishing, pp. 135 - 157, 2021. Abstract

Many application problems are formulated as nonlinear binary programming models which are hard to be solved using exact algorithms especially in large dimensions. One of these practical applications is to optimally distribute protective materials for the newly emerged COVID-19. It is defined for a decision-maker who wants to choose a subset of candidate hospitals comprising the maximization of the distributed quantities of protective materials to a set of chosen hospitals within a specific time shift. A nonlinear binary mathematical programming model for the problem is introduced with a real application case study; the case study is solved using a novel discrete binary gaining-sharing knowledge-based optimization algorithm (DBGSK). The solution algorithm proposes a novel binary adaptation of a recently developed gaining-sharing knowledge-based optimization algorithm (GSK) to solve binary optimization problems. GSK algorithm is based on the concept of how humans acquire and share knowledge through their life span. Discrete binary version of GSK named novel binary gaining-sharing knowledge-based optimization algorithm (DBGSK) depends mainly on two binary stages: binary junior gaining-sharing stage and binary senior gaining-sharing stage with knowledge factor 1. These two stages enable DBGSK for exploring and exploitation of the search space efficiently and effectively to solve problems in binary space.

Reyana, A., S. Kautish, K. A. Alnowibet, H. M. Zawbaa, and A. W. Mohamed, "Opportunities of IoT in fog computing for high fault tolerance and sustainable energy optimization", Sustainability, vol. 15, issue 11: MDPI, pp. 8702, 2023. Abstract
Madhu, G., S. Kautish, K. A. Alnowibet, H. M. Zawbaa, and A. W. Mohamed, "Nipuna: A novel optimizer activation function for deep neural networks", Axioms, vol. 12, issue 3: MDPI, pp. 246, 2023. Abstract
Sharma, C., S. Sharma, S. Kautish, S. A. M. Alsallami, E. M. Khalil, and A. W. Mohamed, "A new median-average round Robin scheduling algorithm: An optimal approach for reducing turnaround and waiting time", Alexandria Engineering Journal, vol. 61, issue 12: Elsevier, pp. 10527-10538, 2022. Abstract
Sukheja, D., J. A. Shah, G. Madhu, S. K. Kautish, F. A. Alghamdi, I. S. Yahia, E. - S. M. El-kenawy, and A. W. Mohamed, "New decision-making technique based on hurwicz criteria for fuzzy ranking", Computers, Materials and Continua, pp. 4595-4609, 2022. Abstract
Reyana, A., S. Kautish, I. S. Yahia, and A. W. Mohamed, "MTEDS: Multivariant Time Series‐Based Encoder‐Decoder System for Anomaly Detection", Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 2022, issue 1: Hindawi, pp. 4728063, 2022. Abstract
Goudos, S. K., A. D. Boursianis, A. W. Mohamed, S. Wan, P. Sarigiannidis, G. K. Karagiannidis, and P. N. Suganthan, "Large Scale Global Optimization Algorithms for IoT Networks: A Comparative Study", 2021 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS): IEEE, pp. 272-279, 2021. Abstract
Madhu, G., A. W. Mohamed, S. Kautish, M. A. Shah, and I. Ali, "Intelligent diagnostic model for malaria parasite detection and classification using imperative inception-based capsule neural networks", Scientific Reports, vol. 13, issue 1: Nature Publishing Group UK London, pp. 13377, 2023. Abstract
Pradhan, A., S. K. Bisoy, S. Kautish, M. B. Jasser, and A. W. Mohamed, "Intelligent decision-making of load balancing using deep reinforcement learning and parallel PSO in cloud environment", IEEE Access, vol. 10: IEEE, pp. 76939-76952, 2022. Abstract
Mohamed, A. W., A. Pradhan, S. K. Bisoy, and S. Kautish, "Intelligent Decision-Making of Load Balancing Using Deep Reinforcement Learning and Parallel PSO in Cloud Environment", IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 76939, 2022. Abstract