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Mansour, A. M., M. Dib, R. Zuccolo, A. Bagaria, B. Greiner, J. James, D. Kumar, H. Heidari, J. Azevedo, and others, "A Disconnectable Dry Tree Semisubmersible Design Exposed to Iceberg and Harsh Environment", OTC Arctic Technology Conference: Offshore Technology Conference, 2014. Abstract
Mansour, A. M., S. Bhat, D. T. R. Pasala, D. Kumar, and others, "Field Development using Semisubmersible Floating Production System with Steel Catenary Risers in Western Australia Harsh Environment", Offshore Technology Conference: Offshore Technology Conference, 2014. Abstract
Mansour, A. M., D. Kumar, R. Zuccolo, J. James, H. Heidari, and others, "Novel Dry-Tree Semisubmersible Solutions for Deepwater Marginal Field Development", Offshore Technology Conference: Offshore Technology Conference, 2014. Abstract
Mansour, A. M., C. Wu, D. Kumar, and R. Zuccolo, "The Tension Leg Semisubmersible (TLS): The Hybrid TLP-Semisubmersible Floater With the Spar Response", ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, pp. V01AT01A041–V01AT01A041, 2014. Abstract
Mansour, A. M., and D. Kumar, "High Performance Semisubmersible Design for Dry Tree Applications in Harsh Environment", ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, pp. V001T01A049–V001T01A049, 2013. Abstract
Mansour, A. M., R. Zuccolo, and D. Kumar, "Key Design Considerations for the FHSB Dry Tree Semisubmersible in Harsh Environment", Deep Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, 2013. Abstract