
Ir. Nasr (Ir is Engineer's title in the Netherlands) is Assistant Lecturer at the Irrigation and Hydraulics Department at Cairo University. Ir. Nasr research interests include 1) Surface and subsurface hydrology, 2) Water resources modelling, 3) Modelling and information systems for water management (Hydroinformatics), 4) Impact of climate change on hydrology and water resources, 5) Applications of remote sensing in land management, hydrology and water resources, 6) The application of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Bayesian Inference in water-related problems.

Ir. Nasr has more than 5 years of experience as an independent consultant in water resources related projects with focus in flood risk management. For over 3 months, Ir. Nasr worked wih the Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office (ENTRO) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, under the umbrella of the Nile Basin Initiative working on a World Bank funded project within the Eastern Nile Flood Season Monitoring Team involved in tasks in Ethiopia, Egypt, South Sudan, and Sudan, respectively. Morevoer, as independent consultant, he has been involved in consultations in Egypt and the Middle East.

Ir. Nasr hold a BSc in Civil Engineering wih focus in Irrigation and Hydraulics Engineering (2012, Distinction with honours). In addition, he holds a MSc in Irrigation and Hydraulics Engineering (2015) from Cairo University. Furthermore, he was awarded the Erasmus Mundus Plus fellowship (2015-2017) to pursue another MSc degree in Flood Risk Management from four leading instituitions in Europe:1) Dresden University of Technology, Germany; 2)UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, the Netherlands; 3) Barcelona Tech, Spain; 4)University of Ljubljana, Slovenia that he obtained September 2017.