Historic Cairo

Elyamani, A., A. Reda, M. Abdel-Hafez, S. Mourad, and M. M. Hassan, "Characterization of Construction Materials of the Historic Structures in Historic Cairo: A Case Study", International Journal of Conservation Science, vol. 14, issue 2, pp. 599-616, 2023. ijcs-23-40_elyamani.pdf
Elyamani, A., N. A. A. Bader, M. Algohary, and R. Abou El Hassan, "Explanation of the Damage to the Royal Family’s Cemetery in Historic Cairo and Examination of the Building Materials", Open Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 11, issue 1, pp. 28-59, 2021. 08_2021_explanation_hosh_al-basha_damage_examintation_materials_32pp.pdf