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I was born in Cairo on July 5th, 1979. I received my Thanaweya Aama degree on 1996 with a total grade of 98.8%. I joined the Faculty of Computers and Information on 1997 and graduated from the Information Systems department on 2000. My batch was the first batch to graduate from the Faculty. On 2003 I obtained my Master's degree under supervision of Prof. Osman Hegazy and Prof. Ali El-Bastawissi. The master thesis is titled "Visualizing Textual Constraints in Object Oriented Modeling" where I was concerned with providing a visual representation of Object Constrain Language (OCL) constraints in order to make it more accessible to non-technically expert business analysts. Moreover, I proposed an XML based serialization and exchange format for OCL constraints which makes it possible to detach constraints from, e.g., UML class diagrams and thus control the redundancy of constraints and enable their sharing.
From 2007-2010 I was in Germany to obtain my Doctoral degree from the Business Process Technology GroupHasso-Plattner InstitutUniversity of Potsdamunder supervision of Prof. Mathias Weske. In my research for the Ph.D. degree I was interested in validating business process models against semantic correctness criteria that stem from regulations and legislations. To achieve this, I first proposed a graphical business process query language (BPMN-Q) in order to allow non-technically expert business people to express their requirements in a way very close to the way they used to express their process models. Then, for the sake of semantic validation and compliance checking, these visual queries, based on a set of patterns, are translated to temporal logic and model checking is used to check the compliance status of the relative process models against the compliance requirements. I was also concerned with managing the consistency among sets of related compliance rules and proposed a set of axioms in order to correctly decide the consistency of a set of temporal logic formulas using satisfiability checking techniques.