


     In M.S. study the meat  proteins of Egyptian poultry  was analyzed for          their amino acid contents and electrophoretic separation of soluble     proteins. The analysis included the different organs of each poultry                                               For Ph. D research, different tumor cells were transplanted into mice,        then the carbohydrate,  protein and lipid metabolism were studied at

    different periods of tumor growth. The analysis of different chemical         

    compounds and enzymes activities was proceeded in ifferent organs    

    blood, liver and spleen) as well as in tumor cells.


    After the Ph. D study until now several research studies were done on   

       the different subjects of biochemistry, natural products and chemical toxicology. The effect of plant extracts and their active principles as hypoglycemic, hypercholesterolemia and anticancer was studied. The effect of irradiation and chemical drugs and insecticides on the metabolic consequences and nucleic acids was also evaluated. Recently, genetic engineering tools and techniques for understanding the mechanism of nature anticancer at the molecular levels were used and applied. Also, the functional foods in relation to health care and nature materials was one of our interest.          


       During that period about 40 M. Sc. and 30 Ph. D theses were done   

       under my supervision on the area of biochemistry, molecular biology biotechnology, medical sciences and environmental toxicology. A lot of research works have been done in the area of natural products, extracts and compounds as antioxidants, ant mutagens and anticancer. The mode of action of the effect was evaluated at the biochemical and molecular levels.




(see appendix 1)

Participation in several scientific meetings, workshops and conferences, local and abroad (Japan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa,

     Gaza-Palestine, Germany, Morocco, Turkey, USA, China and Poland.                                                                      

     In addition to local meetings, conferences in the area of interest. (10           

     Training courses, 15 workshops and 30 Meeting and Conferences).




      More than 85 published papers in local and international Journals      

      (See attached).




More than 40 master and 30 Ph. D  thesis were completed under my           supervision in the area of biochemistry, food chemistry and nutrition, food contamination and health care, biological activity of natural products as antioxidants, antimicrobial, antimutagenic and anticancer as well as molecular biology and genetic engineering.
