Ahmed Taha
professor of Vascular Surgery
89 El-Manial St., Cairo Egypt. (email)
My Name is Ahmed Taha, currently working as a professor of vascular surgery at Cairo University and chairing the department of vascular surgery, endovascular intervention and diabetic foot at the national institute of diabetes in Egypt.
I've been graduated from Cairo University in 1986. I received my basic and advanced surgical training at the same institute for a period of 8 years. In 19994 I've got the MD degree in surgery with my MD thesis entitled: Limb salvage in diabetics. I was then appointed as lecturer of General and Vascular surgery at Cairo university school of medicine.
Between 1996 and 19997, I was clinically attached to the department of vascular surgery at the free university of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. In 2003, I've got the Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (FRCSI). Between 2003 - 2007, I've got variable periods of training in vascular and endovascular interventions in different institutes around the world; in NY, the US, Brescia, Italy and Hamburg, Germany.
My main interest is diabetic foot salvage and I'm chairing an annual meeting entitled: Diabetic foot, wound care and vascular diseases in Diabetics.
I have 35 publications in vascular surgery, diabetic foot problem and endovascular interventions, that have been published at national and international journals.
I regularly share in the national and international vascular and Endovascular scientific events. I'm a board member of the vascular society of Egypt, the SVS and the ISVS.
I’m married and a father of 3 kids.