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Present Address       

: Mechanical Power Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering-

Cairo University, Cairo-Egypt

E Mail Address

          : adelkhalil@cu.edu.eg or adelkhalil@gmail.com    

Date of Birth




Marital Status           

:Married- Two sons

Mobile/ Tel.                : +20122-3555523/  +20233365724                


Mechanical Power Engineering

with emphasis on: Heat Transfer, power plants, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Cryogenics, Applied Superconductivity, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Applications.


  • Ph. D

    .  in Mechanical Engineering,

    University of Wisconsin

    , Madison-Wisconsin, 1978., "Cryogenic Two Phase Flow Characteristics of Helium I in Vertical Tubes".

  • M.Sc.

    in Mechanical Engineering,

    Cairo University

    , 1974," Theoretical and Experimental Study of Mixing of Two Co-Axial Confined Jets in a Model Furnace".

  • B. Sc

    . in Mechanical Power Engineering with 1st degree honor,

    Cairo University

    , 1972.


1978-present     :


in Mech. Power Engineering Dept,

Cairo University


 2003-2009        :

Vice Dean for

Graduate studies and Research- Faculty of Engineering,

Cairo University.


1989-1990        :


in Mechanical Engineering Department of the

American University


1990- 1995        :

Professor and Chair

(91-93) of Mechanical Engineering Department

U.A.E  University

,  Al Ain-U.A.E.


1980-1982     : 

Research Associate

at the

University of Wisconsin

, Madison-Wisconsin, U.S.A (Super-conducting Energy Storage and Fusion Research Programs)

1985-1986     : 

Visiting Professor

at the Nuclear Research Center,

Karlsruhe, Germany

(Nuclear Fusion Program).



Over 100 publications (see enclosed list)              


  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),USA.
  • American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).
  • Egyptian Engineering Syndicate.


  • Cairo University Appreciation Award in Engineering Science 2018
  • State Award  in Engineering Sciences,Egypt1988
  • B. Sc degree with 1st degree honor,CairoUniversity, 1972
  • Listed in the "Egyptian Encyclopedia of Distinguished Scientists", 1989
  • Listed as ASHRAE distinguished lecturer (1999-2024)
  • German Scientific Cooperation Award, 2007.


  • Power plant performance simulation
  • Heat transfer at low temperatures, Refrigerants, Cryogens (liquid Helium, liquid Nitrogen, LNG and LPG), boiling and two-phase flow.
  • Applied Superconductivity (Magnet cooling for Fusion/Energy Storage).
  • Explosion Phenomena of Fuel/Air Clouds
  • LPG and LPG Pool Fire Modeling
  • Cryogenic Food and Tissue Freezing
  • Solar/Wind Energy Potential assessment and Green Hydrogen Applications
  • Environmental Control Systems
  • New Refrigerants
  • Desiccant Cooling



Heat transfer, Thermodynamics, Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Power Plants (conventional and nuclear), Renewable Energy Conversion and utilisation.


Supervised  over 65 M.Sc Thesis students and 15 Ph.D thesis students.


-Chairman of Organizing Committee for ACG 96 "Air Conditioning in the Gulf" Al Ain, U.A.E. April 1996. Co-sponsored by ASHRAE and IIR.

-Organizer of the German Egyptian Symposium on "Solar Thermal Power Plants/Desalination"CairoUniversity, November, 2007.

-Co-Organizer of the Symp. on "Wind Energy and Grid Integration",Kassel,Germany2007.


  • Energy Conservation and Auditing of HVAC Systems
  • Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems Design
  • Wind Energy  Utilisation
  • Heat Exchangers
  • Environmental Engineering Management for Utilities Industry
  • Steam and gas Turbine power Plants
  • Valve Selection and Performance
  • LNG/LPG Processing And Safety
  • Measurements and Control


  1. Energy Consumption Survey and Rashionalisation in the Greater Cairo Industrial Area. FRCU Project 1984.
  2. Technical consultant to the Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Project  (ECEP/DRTPC) funded by USAID (1996/1998).  Activities included the following: Managing the Main stream environmental activities and follow-up on pollution prevention diagnostic assessments (PPDA) for 14 private sector companies.  Environmental Compliance Action Plans for El Nasr Automotive,  Tasty Foods Egypt , El Rasheedy El Mizan, Tepco and El Negma Glue Factory. Techno-economic feasibility studies for the private sector industries and Tourist sector (combined power generation and desalination- air conditioning systems). Env./Energy Monitoring/Auditing of 30 private sector companies.
  3. Techno economic feasibility for a New Hurghada Hilton Water Chiller System (1997).
  4. Energy and Training Manager of the International Office of Engineering Consultations and Training (ICEMEC). Organized 70 technical training programs for Petroleum, Industrial and Electricity Sectors (1996-2002).
  5. Baseline Energy Survey forEgypt, DANIDA (1998).
  6. Energy Consumption Survey on the Commercial Sector inCairo, OEP (1998).
  7. Energy Consumption Survey on the Residential Sector inCairo, OEP (1999).
  8. Energy Audits for the UNDP sustainable energy for the Arab States, Saudi Arabia (2000).
  9. Buyer Market Assessment for Energy Efficient Appliances, OEP, (2000).
  10. Effect of Privatization on the Efficient use of Energy and Greenhouse Gas Reduction, EEGHGR Project, GEF /UNDP , OEP, (2001).
  11. Financial analysis and evaluation of component 2 of the Danish 60 MW Zafarana Wind farm (2001 and 2003).
  12. Policies, Strategies and Programs for the Electrical. Energy Sub-sector inEgypt, DANIDA 2001.
  13. Economical Analysis of the Wind Farm in Zafarana (63 MW German and Danish Component (1) Study carried out for NREA (2002).
  14. Energy Audit planning for the Technical Colleges inSaudi Arabia-(2003).
  15. Technical and Economical Analysis of Co-Generation Schemes and district Cooling for the "New American University Campus inCairo" (2003).
  16. Sustainable Energy for the Arab states, Saudi Arabia UN/DISA project- Audit and training on HVAC System of King Faisal Sp. hospital (NEEP) inRiyadh, (2004).
  17. “Framework for Commercial Wind Farm Investments InEgypt”, World Bank, (2004).
  18. Baseline-Study forEgyptin the MED-ENEC Project, “Energy Efficiency in the Construction Sector in theMediterranean”, Feb. 2006.
  19. Strategy and Action Plan for the “Renewable Energy Sector inEgypt”, 2006.
  20. “Renewable Energy Sector in Egypt”, Principal Investigator for Project (IMC /PS 217) for Industrial Modernization Center, December 2006.
  21. Energy Auditing and Consumption Indicators in Government Buildings in Saudi Arabia,  King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Tech, project 6010, 2008.



  1. Explosion Hazards of LNG and LPG Carriers During Transport in theSuez Canal(FRCU Project 1984- 1988).
  2. Conceptual Design for a Superconducting Energy Storage Facility forWisconsinElectric Utilities (1980-1982).
  3. Conceptual Design for a Modular Stellarator Fusion Reactor Magnet (1980-1982).
  4. Design and Testing of Poloidal and Toroidal Field Coils for the Large Coil Test Facility (KFKKarlsruhe,Germany), 1985-1986.
  5. Design and Testing of Fountain Effect Pump for Helium II Transfer for Space Shuttle mission. (NuclearResearchCenter-Karlsruhe-Germany), 1985- 1986.
  6. Economical Evaluation and Maintenance Requirements for Cairo Gen. Trans. Bus Co. 1983.
  7. Design of a Hybrid PV Solar/Wind  Water Pumping System for Zayed Experimental Farm- Abu Dhabi, 1993-1995.
  8. Energy Modeling and Optimum Design of Greenhouses in theUnited Arab Emirates(1994).
  9. Microclimatic Modeling of the Desert in theUnited Arab Emirates(1994-1995)
  10. Self Assessment Study for the Faculty of Engineering- Cairo university (2003)
  11. Evaluation of Quality of Engineering Education for the Meda countries (TEMPUS)- European Union. -2003.
  12. Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Engineering Education (Internal Audit System for the Faculty of Engineering- Cairo Univ.)- 2004.
  13. “Development of Egyptian prototype CSP”, funded from Science and Tech. Fund(2010-2-13)-Head of Thermal Design Group.
  14. "Combined Master Plan for Renewable Energy in Egypt"(CREMP), member of consortium, 2014.
  15. “Hybridization of Existing Thermal Power Stations with Solar Collection Fields” Study for Environics/JCEE, 2013.
  16. Coordinator of the EU/RDI project, ”Egypt Renewable Energy Cluster Initiative”(ERECI) since 2014.



  1. Chair of Executive Committee of the Regional Center of Excellence of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency


    2009 to2012.

  2. Coordinator

    of the Masters Degree Program in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency


    with the University of Kassel in Germany, 2008 to present.

  3. National Coordinator

    for Science and Technology in Renewable Energy, (2007).

  4. Reviewer: Climate Policy, ASHRAE, MENA/Egypt RE/EE conferences.
  5. Editor ofEng.Journal at the Faculty ofEng-CairoUniversity(2003-2009).
  6. Cofounder of the DESERTEC University Network

    and member of Supervisory Board.